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Goodbye WGT

Thu, Aug 22 2013 2:56 PM (212 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 2:41 AM

    See you soon Hans.

  • devonnnnn
    1,085 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 3:18 AM

    Very surprised to see you go Hans. Your truly a inspiration to me and many here on WGT. Your points are correct, WGT is headed for a bad path. I myself havent even played much in the past 2-3 weeks as there isn't much to play for anymore except tour legend. Hope you take care of yourself with whatever you decide 

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 3:26 AM

    Sorry to see you go Hans and your post is spot on on all counts. I would add the cost of playing is increasing (for those who pay to play), the courses are only one a year (although I did notice another best of is now available) the multi accounters have taken over, and communication is virtually non existant.. In effect there is no incemtives to play.


    l log on every day just to collect XP points just through playing one hole or a random three practice round and read the forum pages as and when.

    Sorry Andy, I still owe you a game but I seldom play, let alone read the forums - first time in a week.

    Anyway, good luck Hans - I hope you return but I did send you a PM.

  • villadeoro
    419 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 3:31 AM

    All players here think the same than you posted here and totally agree with your terms. I m thinking in leave game too but......some friendly games let me enjoy this game few times and...will try to resist few time more.

    Like you know, i would be around if you want to spend few time playing this game for fun and....we have a pending invitation to visit me ;) you understand it perfectly.

    Hope that you will be fine and see you soon, Villa

  • jimbean346
    3,006 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 5:41 AM

    Leg-end = Hans (Best of luck fella!)

    I reached this point after running the WGF Tour. I'd contacted Chad by PM to give him an idea of running allowing me to run a tour through the WGT game window but received no feedback despite having just run a successful 100+ person tour through community events. At this stage I knew my time had run its course on the site in regards to regular play.

    The never ending deluge of better balls / clubs which make a mockery of actual 'golf' is grinding this game to dust. Very sad as two years ago, WGT could've made this into a simulation which would've never been touched by their competitors and would've kept their user base growing at a consistent rate. They've chased the cash cow but neglected their longer-term users and I can only see one direction which this game will go.

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 5:55 AM


    Hello everybody,

    it has been a glorious journey with all of you at this lovely virtual golf page. I want to thank everyone of the friends and former friends that I made here, especially all fellow Elite CC members and former WGT Ryder Cup players that I had many great talks and games with.

    I would have to agree with the census - a sad and frustrating day indeed. To lose a player of Han's caliber is just another notch in WGT's - Belt of Destruction. I said it loooooog ago that WGT was slowly ruining what could have "remained" a FUN and CHALLENGING on-line game of SKILL. But WGT had to keep upgrading and upgrading and upgrading equipment and gb's to the point that the average Jo Blow (gamer) buys the BEST equipment and the BEST gb's and  you have ANOTHER player with a  "54 average". 54, 55, 56 average,,lol. Give me a break. I understand this is "on-line / virtual" but WGT should have drawn the line a looooong time ago and they didn't.

    WGT is a business that like any other business needs to make a profit to survive and flourish. That profit now comes from NEW WGT members. Veteran players, especially veteran players who play very few if not any RG’s and who have purchased all the high end equipment available, lets face it -  are a burden to the business. As harsh as it may sound this is how WGT see's a veteran player leaving the game. It's not personal, it's business.


    Hans and I go waaaaay back. Back to when Hans didn't belong to a CC. At the time The Elite CC was in its infancy and I got lucky that no one from Trans, or the Devs had seen him yet,,,lol. So I sent him a pm,  a CC Invitation, and we have been very close friends ever since. We have had some GREAT times and many, many fun and exciting CC tournaments. I will miss seeing Hans compete. He has always been a threat in ANY competition be it in-house or community based. Farewell to a GREAT player, community member and most importantly, a TRUSTED and LOYAL friend. Thank you Hans. Jeff  

    2,580 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 6:17 AM

    Wow, im shocked Hans. Unlike some here who never had the chance to play a round with you, i was fortunate enough to do just that. Your offer at the time spoke volumes of the person you are, and its something i wont forget in a hurry.

    I hope that things change enough on here for you to change your mind. But if that doesnt happen, and you do indeed hang up your clubs, then i will be able to say that i played 1 of the greats when your name will be mentioned in future threads, and that will no doubt happen.

    I can only wish you the best in what it is that you seek Hans, and hopefully this is only a short goodbye. All the best mate.



  • SafariMan62
    222 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 6:31 AM


    If you are a good putter you can surpass the VEM or whatever it's called. Simple as that, with the nikes and r11's it's very much attainable.

    Agree 100%.....i've mentioned this elsewhere...ITS ALL about the putting..


  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 6:44 AM



    If you are a good putter you can surpass the VEM or whatever it's called. Simple as that, with the nikes and r11's it's very much attainable.

    Agree 100%.....i've mentioned this elsewhere...ITS ALL about the putting..


    Well Hans is one of the best in putting my friends

  • Greg123245
    28 Posts
    Wed, Aug 7 2013 6:46 AM

    I really don't understand what everyone is saying about the cheating. I am not a hacker nor do I want to become one. It appears to me that the whole WGT program, including the vem, is setup to make everyone a legend in order that they will have to purchase better equipment and balls just to keep up. I am a master, who only plays masters and up. I would say the majority of these players aren't very good, because they allowed WGT to determine their average and thus their rating. Being retired and an old guy, I have some good games, but there's no way I can shoot anything lower than 2 or 3 under in a tournament. Which means I don't play, match, tournaments, or stroke play, because WGT would adjust my average way below what it actually should be within a short period of time. Thus WGT has their agenda and I have mine. I enjoy playing and I don't mind losing when I get out played.

    I really cant speak for the great players. And I cant imagine anyone shooting a 54. But I am sure they are out there. Personally, if I could shoot a 54 consistently, I would quit this game and take up ping pong. I don't consider myself a sandbagger, because I play only the best players in alternate matches, where anything can happen. Obviously, the system is setup to make money by means of attrition. WGT couldn't care less about players like Hanswurst leaving the game. The new players averages will eventually become way under their actual skill level, thus ensuring WGT's profits. Hence, I don't foresee WGT changing any of their formats.