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New member, can't chat

rated by 0 users
Sun, Oct 10 2010 9:45 AM (6 replies)
  • C17Outlaw
    15 Posts
    Sun, Aug 8 2010 11:49 PM

    Hi all.  I just played (lost) my first online match play.  When I clicked the chat box it prompted me to ..."Write message here..."  But when I clicked on it I wasn't able to type anything,  I felt bad because I'm sure my opponent thought I was snubbing him.  I'm playing from the website with a brand new laptop.  Any suggestions?


  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Mon, Aug 9 2010 1:35 PM

    I am guessing that you were using IE browser?  It seems that there is a chat bug within IE.

    Try again with Chorme or FireFox... and clean your caches, etc,

    Good luck!  Oh, and if you really don't want to hurt your opponents feelings, you could always place your explanation on his wall.


  • LawrieStevo
    1 Posts
    Fri, Aug 13 2010 12:18 AM

    I am having the same problem but it happens only after I go to full screen. Works for a little while and then nothing (painful flipping between the two screens for a chat). I am using IE. Not sure about changing browsers.

    Good advice from all I have seen.

    Good golfing

  • shakyjon
    87 Posts
    Fri, Aug 20 2010 9:13 PM

    You can't chat once you go to full screen.  If you want the game window to be bigger, and you would also like to chat, click the square at the top right-hand corner of your browser window.  It's the same size as full screen, but without the chatting issues.  Hope this helps.

  • Pangaea
    242 Posts
    Sat, Aug 21 2010 1:31 AM

    I have the same problem about not being able to chat in fullscreen. No input whatsoever from the keyboard works in fullscreen, which is pretty annoying. I've gotten used to hitting the zoom with my mouse now, but it's annoying to exit fullscreen just to comment on something in multiplayer. Send in a bug report via right-click so hopefully it gets looked at. We should be able to use the keyboard in fullscreen too.

  • superchuck
    210 Posts
    Mon, Aug 23 2010 10:02 AM

    If you hit F11 it goes to full screen AND you can will hide your taskbar though.


  • Wimpster
    4 Posts
    Sun, Oct 10 2010 9:45 AM


    I'm a new member having exactly the same problem using IE - do you know if this issue has been resolved yet? Clearing my cache hasn't worked for me - is there any other resolution or work around?
