The main cheating issue these days is NOT an auto-dinger-but rather a 'slow the meter program' so you can ding/off-ding as needed to your heart's content- which does apply to putting btw. If you can play Nike/Cally's etc with a much slower meter than MAX balls and throw darts with R11 irons- and hit precisely as needed with a crucial putt- you are going to improve your game significantly vs. without said cheat program.
In RG's there is no way to know what anyone is doing- the interpretation of putting stats may or may not be valid here. In team play- suspected cheaters can be sniffed out if they take an unusually long time to setup their shots (more than 20-30 secs typically) and then "grey out" in the menu for more than 5-6 seconds on full shots and around 8 secs on putts. Said cheaters take full advantage of the 15 second limitation.
Since we are prohibited from naming names, and WGT seems unwilling to monitor meter swing times to police this, seems the only option is to discuss privately (like in skype chatrooms) to decide who we will and will not play against. I for one do not play RG's anymore as I refuse to cheat to be competitive- and am not among the elite of the elite who can still be competitive without a meter cheat. Bravo to those who can!