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new member pay to train

Wed, Aug 14 2013 10:54 AM (30 replies)
  • Saint006
    83 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 12:20 PM

    If I found a good player even now that I could learn from to get better and get me out of this 72 slump I would pay a few credits, and to the lady up above trying to put her 2 cents in it's called "Training"  not "helping" I'm talking like an actual golf lesson. if you don't like a post it's much easier exit out and find one to your liking. some of us have jobs and can't play all day everyday. and it's almost impossible to get into a tournament at a "real" 72 and get beat by these cheating hacks and amateurs shooting 10 under par or if your beating them they disconnect after 4 holes. If you have any more award winning comments save them for you autobiography. 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 10:09 PM

    If that was aimed at me I asked a question, I judged nobody. My point was that hundreds of people will provide help on here for nothing. Any half decent Country Club will help out a lot with advice and games. 

    On the exchange of credits part it can never happen as you'd get multi-accounters giving fake lessons between accounts just to move credits to their main account from their feeder ones.

    Have a nice day.

  • Saint006
    83 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 12:31 AM

    she's like a mosquito buzzing in the ear, can I buy some off in the pro store???

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 8:38 AM


    she's like a mosquito buzzing in the ear

    you'll get used to it in time.

    also are you for real? you're hardly qualified to help anyone,
    for pay or otherwise, you still have a long way to go in this game,
    it's a classic case of the blind leading the blind.
    why don't you make legend first,
    or shoot an under 30 round, break 70 in your avg?...

    just sayin...

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 8:56 AM

    There's one good thing you can say about Saint006, he definitely doesn't cheat.

  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 9:05 AM


    . My point was that hundreds of people will provide help on here for nothing. Any half decent Country Club will help out a lot with advice and games. 


    That is very true. I had dozens of kind people help me through the game since day 1. I try to return the favor to anyone who asks questions.I have been offered balls in exchange for helping, but have always declined the generous offers.

    The satisfaction of helping someone who appreciates it is more than enough payment.      

  • Saint006
    83 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 1:39 PM

    This is funny... I never said once that I wanted to get credits for helping. you both are as dumb as a foam finger. 

    I also just checked your profile Court, you are a legend and have played over 190 tournaments just in the last 2 1/2 months.  That is hilarious, you have played more games in 3 months than I have in a year. and your going to try and cut someone down for only having a life.  It's such a sad story that I can't sit on my ass for 12 hours a day and push buttons with 2 fingers. Your family must be proud and I bet little girls all over the nation use you as their encouragement to realize that dreams do come true.

    Laugh my fkn ass off rolling on the floor pissing my pants with a brown pokey turd coming out my butt.

    Shoot for the stars Courtney, maybe you should insure your two fingers just in case ot protect your future, you never know we always need elevator attendants to push a button for us successful people... 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 10:30 PM

    It was still just a question. One bit of advice I'd give is to be careful with the insults. WGT only put up with a certain amount. Have a nice day.

  • Saint006
    83 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 10:49 PM

    Bye I'll miss you... Eskimo Kisses

  • DRogers5864
    368 Posts
    Mon, Aug 12 2013 11:30 PM


    It was still just a question. One bit of advice I'd give is to be careful with the insults. WGT only put up with a certain amount. Have a nice day.


    have a nice day... 

    you handled that better that I would have