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new member pay to train

Wed, Aug 14 2013 10:54 AM (30 replies)
  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 11:08 AM


    got a whole box of it @ costco, real cheap

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 12:12 PM

    Hi Gmaster. I spend hours on here both inside and outside of my club helping people (free of charge), if you think that is trolling then you've lead a very sheltered life. If you need any help with your game or if you'd like to return to the club that you once flounced from, just look me up. 

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 1:40 PM


    Hi Gmaster. I spend hours on here both inside and outside of my club helping people (free of charge), if you think that is trolling then you've lead a very sheltered life. If you need any help with your game or if you'd like to return to the club that you once flounced from, just look me up. 

    life is so funny sometime... guess what Einstein...
    I was taking your side (that was meant for that other guy),
    guess I got what I deserve for siding with the likes of you huh.
    always like a loaded gun ready with a comeback, huh..
    WHY in the world, would I (or anyone) have an issue with helping
    out other players?? did you stop and ask yourself that
    before writing that self indulgent lash out?

    and to be honest dear, (and please don't take this the wrong way)
    I'd rather slit my wrists with a rusty potato peeler than being in a club
    that is run by an overbearing clueless obnoxious pushy spamming trolling
    desperate ambulance chasing know it all such as yourself.
    it's also worth mentioning, that you were CERTAINLY NOT the owner
    when I was there
    . it was wootton and then bigmugsy,
    and when he gave up I moved on to look for a more stable place.
    only found out it was you that inherited that sinking ship
    long after I was out of there, so u can't take credit for that either luv. sorry.

    also while I was there, I recall destroying you in our one and only match,
    so if YOU need some lessons, well, find someone else...

    now how about you go back to one of those countless recruiting threads
    of yours, as I think there are a few more hacks and amateurs
    you may have missed along the way.
    also, have you tried invite bombing on "new members" area? give it a go.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Aug 13 2013 10:06 PM

    Creative memory there sir and why would I want to hunt for new members?  Oh, and we never played. You seem confused so I'd better just leave you to it. Take care.

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 3:55 AM


    Creative memory there sir and why would I want to hunt for new members?  Oh, and we never played. You seem confused so I'd better just leave you to it. Take care.

    *sigh* give it up court... you're digging yourself deeper.
    we got paired up to play some inter cc match thing
    lucky for you (or me?) I'm too damn lazy to delete all the old PMs
    (until we get the "select all" feature anyway)

    this is from when you were a bit more tolerable as a person:

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 7:37 AM

    I used to keep a record of each game I played but I only kept it up for a few months. We didn't finish a game. We never played again later because you flounced, I went on to win that competition.

    I have all those details too, including your leaving speech that amused many. I won't put it on here though because I don't like to embarrass people.

    You haven't changed at all, you never stopped moaning then either. 

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 7:49 AM

    I'd rather slit my wrists with a rusty potato peeler than being in a club
    that is run by an overbearing clueless obnoxious pushy spamming trolling
    desperate ambulance chasing know it all such as yourself


    That's funnier than hell.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 7:52 AM

    That's funnier than hell.

    And he started by saying he was on my side. I'd hate to disagree with someone that was on the other side.

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 8:24 AM


    That's funnier than hell.

    And he started by saying he was on my side. I'd hate to disagree with someone that was on the other side.

    He needs to be writing for the Conan O'Brian Show.

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Wed, Aug 14 2013 10:36 AM


    I have all those details too, including your leaving speech that amused many. I won't put it on here though because I don't like to embarrass people.

    believe me when I say a cheap move like that,
    would only embarrass yourself and emphasis even more
    your lack of character as an owner.

    and we did play it again, think it was that same day even,
    and you know that, because you have access to that thread,
    where I congratulate you for a good try (wasn't really),
    but being as you can delete, edit or otherwise manipulate
    ANY message there, including those that have my name on them,
    I wouldn't trust anything you put out as reliable.
    I left after I won our match, so of course you'd advance (to win if you say so), duh..
    look, if you wanna erase that defeat from your memory that's fine by me,
    I hardly care, whatever helps your fragile ego from falling apart,
    I'm sure it wasn't your proudest moment, it sure wasn't mine.

    also glad to report you haven't changed much either,
    maybe a little for the worse as being a club owner seems to have
    aggravated all of your negative characteristics.

    now, since you always must have the last word,
    I'll let you have it, because this kindergarten crap
    may be your niche, but I have better use for my time.

    oh and I truly and honestly was on your side,
    but yes, that changed when you took a big fat dump on me
    for absolutely no reason - my bad though,
    shouldn't intervene when you converse with your kind, lesson learned.