I have all those details too, including your leaving speech that
amused many. I won't put it on here though because I don't like to
embarrass people.
believe me when I say a cheap move like that,
would only embarrass yourself and emphasis even more
your lack of character as an owner.
and we did play it again, think it was that same day even,
and you know that, because you have access to that thread,
where I congratulate you for a good try (wasn't really),
but being as you can delete, edit or otherwise manipulate
ANY message there, including those that have my name on them,
I wouldn't trust anything you put out as reliable.
I left after I won our match, so of course you'd advance (to win if you say so), duh..
look, if you wanna erase that defeat from your memory that's fine by me,
I hardly care, whatever helps your fragile ego from falling apart,
I'm sure it wasn't your proudest moment, it sure wasn't mine.
also glad to report you haven't changed much either,
maybe a little for the worse as being a club owner seems to have
aggravated all of your negative characteristics.
now, since you always must have the last word,
I'll let you have it, because this kindergarten crap
may be your niche, but I have better use for my time.
oh and I truly and honestly was on your side,
but yes, that changed when you took a big fat dump on me
for absolutely no reason - my bad though,
shouldn't intervene when you converse with your kind, lesson learned.