This was adapted from an original I think my putluck (my apologies if that isn't correct), I always use full shots for this.
From 20% sand
I found that combined yardage (of
distance and elevation) of over 35yds where elevation exceeds 6ft needs 3 yards
added. (ball will roll further)
Over 35yds (combined) with elevation
lower than 6ft, add 4yds
Less than 35yds (combined) and
elevation is above 5ft, add 4yds
Less than 35yds and elevation is
below 5ft add 4/5yds.
So, to clarify. If the pin is 25yds
away and 4ft above your lie, 25+4+5 = 34yd swing.
Of course, uphill, downhill and
greens that break hard left or right will need to be adjusted to. I've also not
mentioned wind either. Unless your playing in high winds, these figures are
good in my experience.
From 40% sand
combined yardage of 20-30, add 12
combined yardage of 30-40, add 11.
combined yardage of 40-45, add 10
combined yardage over 45, add 9.
Again, compensate for your
60% sand lie
Combined yardage of below 30, add
30-40, add 17.
40-50, add 18
over 50 combined yds, add 19.
I tend to use full
back spin on longer shots, where greens slope away from me and on deep lies.
All others, I place the dot where the sand meets the ball.