Kaslo: I completely agree. This new system rewards the causal player and disadvantages the good. Completely backwards guys. Why should a causal player ever have a chance against a good one. Where the reward for spending the time to learn the game? How is this fair to the good masters? And last who asked for this new direction? Certainly not your loyal established players.
I can't say it would be the casual player, but the one who tries to play the system. I would hope the 'Level' advancements would be involved enough and of the type to discourage this type of behavior. And what I got from the OP is that it would take time and commitment to advance in levels, so it would take work. But don't get me wrong, someone will do that work just to beat the system.
It really all depends on what factors are involved, and since we don't know details this is all speculation. But good speculation in the off chance that WGT hadn't considered all of the angles. (which I'm pretty sure they did, at least I hope they did)
*edit* pretty much ninja'd by Richard LOL