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See who's gifting

rated by 0 users
Tue, Aug 20 2013 6:15 AM (25 replies)
  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 10:45 AM

    There's a lot of fuss about multi's who clean up in ready go's then gift equipment etc to other accounts to do it all over again so why cant we see who we send gifts to.  I bet it would make it much easier to spot these multy accounters and their back handed tactics.  Honest players would not mind it saying in their profile chrisironsbones sent bla bla a R1 driver or chrisironsbones received a pack of nikes from wgtnationpaul

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 10:54 AM

    Agreed...especially since the players do most of the "snooping" and WGT ask's for "proof to be sent"...this could provide a smoking gun.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 10:57 AM

    Honest players would not mind it saying in their profile

    A quiet yes.........Can see that some are just nice people and would not want it advertised, but thinking it through they would not have anything to hide, and score histoey would keep the spot light in the right place.

    Might have something IMHO!

  • bluzgolf
    1,077 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 11:12 AM

    Here is a tidbit that's worth considering.  Lets say a player just turned a certain level and now has all the equipment that level will offer.  If they bought it and not been gifted stuff, the sales purchase will be in their  account  history.

    BTW, I do see the benefit and point of being able to see who "gifted." 

    2,580 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 11:23 AM

    Even if Country Club owners had the benefit of this, it would be a start. The CC owners would then probably be able to spot those who are gifting to a 2nd account, and could take action if needed. just thinking out loud here.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 11:37 AM

    I tend to disagree with the sentiment here. IMO how we spend our credits is our own business and I'd prefer if the items we buy ourselves and/or others weren't shown to the public. I also feel the business of others is none of my business and I don't worry about who buys what for who or why. None of that hits my approaches any closer or sinks my putts.

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 11:41 AM


    Here is a tidbit that's worth considering.  Lets say a player just turned a certain level and now has all the equipment that level will offer.  If they bought it and not been gifted stuff, the sales purchase will be in their  account  history.

    BTW, I do see the benefit and point of being able to see who "gifted." 

    Only the player themsleves can see their account history & WGT, If we could see every ones gifting activity then it would be even easier to spot any wrong doings like a player who's joined last month but suddenly wins every ready go he/she enters then gifts the winnings to a different account.  It would be much easier to trace Multy's and for the community to help wgt police the problem.

    I tend to disagree with the sentiment here. IMO how we spend our credits is our own business and I'd prefer if the items we buy ourselves and/or others weren't shown to the public. I also feel the business of others is none of my business and I don't worry about who buys what for who or why. None of that hits my approaches any closer or sinks my putts.

    Why is it such a problem to see who You or I send gifts to??  Its part of the game if you decide to be generous and should be applauded not hide away.  I wouldn't care less if it said in my profile who i sent a pack of balls to, got nothing to hide, but if i was sending gifts to my other account then i would not want any one to see.  Who will really care if you send a gift or not send a gift if you're genuine in your gameplay

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 12:08 PM


    I tend to disagree with the sentiment here. IMO how we spend our credits is our own business and I'd prefer if the items we buy ourselves and/or others weren't shown to the public. I also feel the business of others is none of my business and I don't worry about who buys what for who or why. None of that hits my approaches any closer or sinks my putts.

    Sure, it doesn't affect you or I, but how about the folks starting out?

    i/e,What about those newbies that shoot a good round at -1 or even, that are losing out to -4's and -5's MA'ers?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 1:10 PM

    Honest players would not mind it saying in their profile

    And those not wanting it are dishonest? Or will their openness turn against them at one time when the wind changes? Which undue advantages will authorities or private companies gain against them?

    This is a bad argument, a control argument to any free man and woman.

    I want privacy in all respects of my life which should not bother the public, be it in honesty or not. I want privacy in all buys and giftings because it should not bother the public. I know that dishonest people will hide behind this, and I accept it as the price to pay of my privacy.

    I know that I breached my credo by publishing those details of that player, but - as a poor excuse for sure - I state that the site pushed my attention to this account through the spotlight, and they published the information which I outlined. Plus, hopefully, it abandoned the account and will stay anonymous.

    In fact it shows how sensible this personal privacy is.


    Concerning multis and other cheaters, WGT has the command, and we have to take it or leave it.

  • bluzgolf
    1,077 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 1:14 PM

    Sorry, should not have said account history.  It will be on their activity list, which is public.




    Here is a tidbit that's worth considering.  Lets say a player just turned a certain level and now has all the equipment that level will offer.  If they bought it and not been gifted stuff, the sales purchase will be in their  account  history.

    BTW, I do see the benefit and point of being able to see who "gifted." 

    Only the player themsleves can see their account history & WGT, If we could see every ones gifting activity then it would be even easier to spot any wrong doings like a player who's joined last month but suddenly wins every ready go he/she enters then gifts the winnings to a different account.  It would be much easier to trace Multy's and for the community to help wgt police the problem.