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See who's gifting

rated by 0 users
Tue, Aug 20 2013 6:15 AM (25 replies)
  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 1:40 PM

    And those not wanting it are dishonest? Or will their openness turn against them at one time when the wind changes? Which undue advantages will authorities or private companies gain against them?

    I'd reckon that some are and some are not, no and none.  I think it me be worth losing a little bit of privacy to have more transparency.

    How about having it as an option then, we can declare gifts and gifting if we want to. 

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 2:01 PM


    I tend to disagree with the sentiment here. IMO how we spend our credits is our own business and I'd prefer if the items we buy ourselves and/or others weren't shown to the public. I also feel the business of others is none of my business and I don't worry about who buys what for who or why. None of that hits my approaches any closer or sinks my putts.

    Why is it such a problem to see who You or I send gifts to??  Its part of the game if you decide to be generous and should be applauded not hide away.  I wouldn't care less if it said in my profile who i sent a pack of balls to, got nothing to hide, but if i was sending gifts to my other account then i would not want any one to see.  Who will really care if you send a gift or not send a gift if you're genuine in your gameplay

    Chris I value my privacy as much as I value yours so I mind my own business and don't bother looking at the transactions of others.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 2:08 PM



    I tend to disagree with the sentiment here. IMO how we spend our credits is our own business and I'd prefer if the items we buy ourselves and/or others weren't shown to the public. I also feel the business of others is none of my business and I don't worry about who buys what for who or why. None of that hits my approaches any closer or sinks my putts.

    Sure, it doesn't affect you or I, but how about the folks starting out?

    i/e,What about those newbies that shoot a good round at -1 or even, that are losing out to -4's and -5's MA'ers?

    IMO the RG's are everything that's wrong with this free Golf site and if it were me at the helm there wouldn't be newbies wagering at all. Perhaps the RG's would start at Legend tier so the newer players weren't put in a position to be taken advantage. Removing the ability to play RG's below Legend would also have players earn their way to Legend  only through ranked rounds instead of RG's winnings.


    One other thing I think you might understand better than most is I mind my own business and tend to my own business only. Know what I'm saying?

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 2:43 PM

    CerinoDevoti ,,,Not letting tiers less than Legend play rg's is absurd,when i started almost two years ago I managed to make a few creds in rg's and keep myself in free balls and most of my equipment was purchased once i got to master and TM levels playing in some rg's,so taking that ability away from those who can still do it is just nuts.......what would help is if rg's were average based instead of tier based IMHO,I know there would be some sandbaggers but I think it would be less of a problem than it is now..........

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 4:13 PM


    IMO the RG's are everything that's wrong with this free Golf site and if it were me at the helm there wouldn't be newbies wagering at all. Perhaps the RG's would start at Legend tier so the newer players weren't put in a position to be taken advantage. Removing the ability to play RG's below Legend would also have players earn their way to Legend  only through ranked rounds instead of RG's winnings.

    That has games at higher level only...newer players (real ones anyways) would still be upgrading/etc along the way..WGT could also implement higher payouts for the Weekly Tourneys as well...heck, I think I played one or two RG's as  TP and Master and a handful at TM (was just prior to Tiered Tourneys)...and I'd bet a majority of first timers were like me as well.


    One other thing I think you might understand better than most is I mind my own business and tend to my own business only. Know what I'm saying?


    All too well, I've never looked (unless pointed to) anyone's activity to see what's being you, I don't really care and it doesn't affect me at all...I'm more concerned about the integrity of "Golf" being a player IRL and not Gamer, and feel sorry in a way for an honest Hack/AM..etc who fires off a -1 in a weekly Tourney and is 3 pages back on the leader board.

  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 4:35 PM


    There's a lot of fuss about multi's who clean up in ready go's then gift equipment etc to other accounts to do it all over again so why cant we see who we send gifts to.  I bet it would make it much easier to spot these multy accounters and their back handed tactics.  Honest players would not mind it saying in their profile chrisironsbones sent bla bla a R1 driver or chrisironsbones received a pack of nikes from wgtnationpaul

    I like the idea personally


    So some people don't want the gifts displayed? I think you have to decide which is more important, pleasing those people, or implementing something that will greatly decrease the effectiveness of multi accounters

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 5:05 PM

    great idea.....but it's never going to be implemented.

    it would cause such a noise with folks calling those sending gifts MA's whether they were innocent or guilty PLUS WGT would get it in the neck for doing nothing about the blatant gift sending to MA's. They already get hassled for doing little about it as it is.

    so why would WGT implement something that would only cause even more squabbling?

    you can steer a car using your feet but that don't make it a good idea. :)

  • 719mike
    209 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 5:32 PM

    How would this type of information make it easier to tell if it's a player being generous to another player , or a multi - accounter loading himself up ? How would you know ? Is the reciepents ISP disclosed ; along with the gifter ? I doubt WGT could keep track of it , what with people having multiple e- mailing accounts , and they can put down any address they want - no way of checking that out either .

    Sounds like another witch hunt to me .

    By the way - how'd you like it if they did do this , and someone here ( won't mention their name ) pesters the heck out of some nice person that happened to gift alot ???  I had someone do that to me for awhile , till I banned him .

    The best thing to do is to educate the players here to beware , that YES , there is cheating going on here , and to choose your opponants wisely in any credit games ! Join a trustworthy CC and play in their tournaments. Only play against known friends in match point games . 

    I truely love this game , been playing it almost everyday since I downloaded it . Met alot of really nice people here , and have avoided going to places where the cheats are.

    Leave the "hunting" to WGT , they're best equiped to ferret out the foxes in the hen house.

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 5:53 PM

    Maybe I'm crazy, but.... I seem to remember a time, not to distant in the past, when gifting transactions were displayed on player's profiles. I seem to recall that a couple of big-name players ('friends of the game' if you will) were called out on the fact that they were sending gifts to their second, third, fourth.... accounts and cleaning up low-tier tourneys. Those players were irritated by the fact that they were called out as multi-accounters (which they were), complained to right people, and viola! gifting disappeared from player activity. 

    Leave the "hunting" to WGT , they're best equiped to ferret out the foxes in the hen house.

    Best equipped? Yes. But the fact of the matter is that their actions, product offerings and means to hide activity actively condone (and basically encourage) multi-accounters.