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See who's gifting

rated by 0 users
Tue, Aug 20 2013 6:15 AM (25 replies)
  • DRogers5864
    368 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 7:08 PM

    All we gotta do is check with the NSA... hell they know more about what we're doing the we do! 

    problem solved!

  • mgbirish
    4,019 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 8:35 PM

    All WGT has to do is implement something on the order of "PunkBuster", a anti cheating software program that scans WGT users computers when they sign in, I believe it checks for muti-accounters, via ISP addy. So Simple, we will never see it!


  • DRogers5864
    368 Posts
    Sun, Aug 18 2013 10:17 PM

    Simply choose your friends carefully, as I was painfully reminded of late, stay where you're comfortable, & play for credits at your own peril.


    That's good advice, I have no intention of getting nvolved with the gambling, I dont care if I get really good.. 

    As far as choosing friends, I come across a few that I have a great time with... I'm thinking of joining a CC but i want to get to know a few people first just to see how their personalities are. 

  • Geahry1
    525 Posts
    Mon, Aug 19 2013 3:44 PM


    There's a lot of fuss about multi's who clean up in ready go's then gift equipment etc to other accounts to do it all over again so why cant we see who we send gifts to.  I bet it would make it much easier to spot these multy accounters and their back handed tactics.  Honest players would not mind it saying in their profile chrisironsbones sent bla bla a R1 driver or chrisironsbones received a pack of nikes from wgtnationpaul

    If your a level 93 and but say a level 90 Driver to gift a hack its not possible cause the hack is not a level 90.You could only gift him what level he is .If im wrong let me knoe