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Tue, Aug 27 2013 3:33 PM (12 replies)
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    12 Posts
    Tue, Aug 20 2013 11:04 PM

    get it right... level 90 and over should be legend.. what are you waiting for

  • spdemon
    1,588 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2013 2:30 AM

    what is the point in this thread ?  just wondering 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2013 3:52 AM

    That would put off those customers - impossible for a business interested in revenue.

    Other customers' interests stand back there.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2013 3:58 AM


    get it right... level 90 and over should be legend.. what are you waiting for

    Sorry I have to disagree, getting to level 90 just takes persistence and time. Getting to legend is supposed to take skill.

    The problem is allowing averages to be severely reduced by MP wins over higher ranked players and the tendency for some 'friends' to deliberately loose MP to allow their friends to tier up. (Which btw was introduced at the request of players to reduce the amount of sandbagging).

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2013 4:04 AM


    get it right... level 90 and over should be legend.. what are you waiting for

    Level only shows how much time you have spend, not how good you are!!

    IMO there should be an amount of courses to play like amount of rounds, so you dont see a Legend play bader than an amateur on oakmont, because he only can do good on St.Andrews ,Best Of Famous and maybe Kiawah!! But gets in real troubles anywhere else!!



  • SafariMan62
    222 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2013 4:51 AM

    Level ony shows how much time you have spend, not how good you are!!

    Agree.   +1`


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2013 6:18 AM

    what are you waiting for

    Someone with a clue about what they are asking.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Aug 21 2013 7:11 AM

    I'm thinking someone got beat in MP by a lower tiered level 90+ player...

  • Rockitch
    1,022 Posts
    Thu, Aug 22 2013 7:29 AM


    get it right... level 90 and over should be legend.. what are you waiting for

    Anyone being here since 2009 should be a level 100 tour legend by now. What are you waiting for ?

    You are probably right MB. Another whiner-looser.


  • Scoton
    174 Posts
    Tue, Aug 27 2013 1:42 AM


    [...] getting to level 90 just takes persistence and time. Getting to legend is supposed to take skill.

    The problem is allowing averages to be severely reduced by MP wins over higher ranked players and the tendency for some 'friends' to deliberately loose MP to allow their friends to tier up.

    How is that a "problem"? I don't mind at all if someone wants to "reverse sandbag" and get to a higher Tier without actually having the degree of skill that the average player in that Tier has.

    It's the actual sandbagging, and the multi-accounting, which goes on here that annoys the heck out of me. WGT are paying out the majority of Tournament wins and Ready-Go wins (EDIT #1: below Legend Tier) to these players. A lot of new players (and many not-so-new) get swindled by them in Match Play and Skins Challenge matches. It's been going on for a long time, and there don't appear to be any viable solutions. Steps WGT have taken so far have been almost completely ineffective. The only real solution I can think of would be the complete elimination of the ability for players to win credits by winning games.

    EDIT #2: What I should have written, was the elimination of the ability for players to win credits or other prizes by winning games at any Tier below Legend.

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