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New Features Released and Notes

Fri, Aug 30 2013 6:40 AM (56 replies)
  • WGTdbloshoe
    2,840 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 11:12 AM

    Just some notes on the new features we rolled out last night...


    Mulligans - Retake any shot in practice round.  Great way to dial in your clubs from different spots on a course as well as practice the best ways to get out of trouble.  A mulligan will cost you two additional shots off of your ball durability.

    Max Clubs - New set of clubs for lower players who are still in the low to mid 90's and need that little extra distance.

    Taylormade SLDR Driver- New driver from TM added to the line that we already have.

    New Pin Locations - Merion Pins have been added.

    3 Click Meter - Updated to be more realistic.  Now the player swings along with the meter going back just like the other two.  Great way to judge distance based on the movement in the swing.



    Flagstick - We are working to get this fixed asap and will hopefully have a solution quick.

    Uneven Lies - Top priority is getting this sorted out and fixed. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 11:19 AM


    Uneven Lies - Top priority is getting this sorted out and fixed. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

    I sure hope so.

    BTW, the new pins on Merion are fantastic. I've found no issues with camera angles while putting.

  • cappiest
    1,346 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 11:21 AM

    Sorry Shoe, but the new 3 click meter is horrible. The meter used to move at a constant speed and therefore it was easier to judge. Easier to ding as advertised but you still had to click for correct yardage. This new meter is really horrible, while i understand what they were trying to having the meter speed change it has taken away any benefit of having it.

    If they don't return it to the way it was i won't use it and now will have to get used to the original meter again. Its that bad.

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 11:25 AM

    if anyone is using avatar movements on the 3 click they must be superhuman - it's so so fast and skippy you can't eye a movement and the meter at the same time anyway? can you? lol

    unplayable now - yesterday was much better (mean to say b4 update)

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 11:25 AM

    Thanks. You'll never please everybody but I appreciate your efforts.

  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 11:28 AM


    Just some notes on the new features we rolled out last night...


    Mulligans - Retake any shot in practice round.  Great way to dial in your clubs from different spots on a course as well as practice the best ways to get out of trouble.  A mulligan will cost you two additional shots off of your ball durability.

    Max Clubs - New set of clubs for lower players who are still in the low to mid 90's and need that little extra distance.

    Taylormade SLDR Driver- New driver from TM added to the line that we already have.

    New Pin Locations - Merion Pins have been added.

    3 Click Meter - Updated to be more realistic.  Now the player swings along with the meter going back just like the other two.  Great way to judge distance based on the movement in the swing.



    Flagstick - We are working to get this fixed asap and will hopefully have a solution quick.

    Uneven Lies - Top priority is getting this sorted out and fixed. 


    - WGTdbloshoe

    Kudos on the pin placements, mulligan options and the others as well, they just don't mean as much to me but I am sure they do to some.

    Hope the pin option gets corrected soon and I am sure it will.


  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 11:30 AM


    Uneven Lies - Top priority is getting this sorted out and fixed. 

    - WGTdbloshoe

    I sure hope so.

    BTW, the new pins on Merion are fantastic. I've found no issues with camera angles while putting.

    I'll second both these sentiments.

    Cerino and I just kicked it around on Merion with starters and blind unevens (from the Whites with Fast greens and Mod wind). It was quite the challenge, almost like relying on muscle memory to guess what the slopes were going to do.

    That said, I managed to get round in par, with CD close behind. Our better ball would have been -4!

    I joked to Cerino that perhaps WGT would provide this as an option in the future: the choice to play unevens but with no visual grid to work from!!! Fantastic!

  • ScottHope
    10,685 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 11:30 AM

    Mulligans - Retake any shot in practice round.  Great way to dial in your clubs from different spots on a course as well as practice the best ways to get out of trouble.  A mulligan will cost you two additional shots off of your ball durability.

    - WGTdbloshoe

    Could you clarify this please WGTdbloshoe as the information in the news section states that a mulligan will cost one extra hit on your ball which contradicts what you have stated above.

  • Robiefield
    4 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 11:32 AM

    Wow, with all due respect,

    Really don't like the changed 3 click swing meter. I was playing a Ready Go tournament when the maintenance shutdown hit, and when it came back, I'd wasted my money on the tournament. I can't hit diddly squat any more. I've been removed from the skill pool.

    This new speed variation is awful. It doesn't feel real at all. It's added 15 strokes to a 9 hole round for me. I can't control it any more and you may have sucked enough fun out that I won't be compelled to keep playing and explaining to my wife why I keep spending money on virtual golf balls.  I'm so bad now, I don't want to play any more.

    I went from feeling competitive to feeling like a wholly unqualified skill-less moron.

    If you leave it like it is, for guys like me, it's not worth playing any more. You had me hooked! Now you're gonna quit me cold turkey.  Argh. It was fun while it lasted.

  • LOLserver
    3,522 Posts
    Wed, Aug 28 2013 11:47 AM


    Uneven Lies - Top priority is getting this sorted out and fixed. 

    - WGTdbloshoe

    It sounds like the best news of all since several months ago or even longer back.

    I still believe UL is the best way to go for WGT for several reasons:


    • cheaters cannot program a shot
    • the game is more "intuitive" than mechanic
    • better golf in general
    • more realistic
    • and last......more challenging, for the ones who are bored of throwing darts, like me


    I am a LOVER of the feature and even made a tutorial and posted in the "game tips" forum section, but I understand also the general players opinion who think UL is ridiculous, example: Merion hole 13, lying on fairway with so much steepness that you need to aim somewhere left off the green, adding strong wind left to right is just .......ridiculous!!! where to aim? 20 yards left of the green for a 135 yards shot?? simply  way to much. Please make the shots more "realistic" in terms of aiming with strong winds.

    As the feature has no natural "draw or fade" you need to compensate that by moving the aim a lot...or hitting very early or late which certainly is not the best way to make the shot.

    Is the "lateral" spin on the ball coming up?, I REALLY hope for that.

    Sorry if I am writing so much about UL but this is a GREAT chance (very fresh news about the UL) to point out my opinion about the feature.

    Regards, Eric