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Girls Wanted

Thu, Sep 12 2013 6:18 AM (32 replies)
  • russellfahey
    4,286 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 7:34 AM


    And you wonder why they are just wanting women in their club...

    Dam Graham you've moved fast to create another account :)



  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 7:41 AM

    Keep bouncing it, it's working well.

  • CMGryphonL
    684 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 10:59 AM



    And you wonder why they are just wanting women in their club...

    Who wants women only? Certainly not Courteney, she is just trying to re-balance the gender demographic of her CC as at present the men vastly outnumber the women.

    On another note, anyone thinking this move is sexist is a blithering idiot.

    Couldn't agree with these sentiments more....

    Courteney created this thread shortly after I posted in our club forum about a mixed league. You know, where men and women play together. lol She had informed me that we really didn't have enough women to probably make it happen, but I tried anyway and, after seeing my attempt and the lack of female interest, she obviously tried to help. Thank you, C! You are what sets TPC apart from the rest.....

    So, to everyone who hijacked this thread....really? Do you not have anything better to do with your time on WGT? Maybe like playing golf? 

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 1:02 PM

    Not knocking Courtney or what she's trying to achieve.  It makes sense to want to balance out a club with Males / Females to whatever extent it can be done.

    I'm just curious though ... if you have 250 folks in "The Peoples Club" ... and 10 females decide they would be interested in signing up.    How do you decide with of the current members you kick out ?

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Sep 9 2013 10:28 PM


    Not knocking Courtney or what she's trying to achieve.  It makes sense to want to balance out a club with Males / Females to whatever extent it can be done.

    I'm just curious though ... if you have 250 folks in "The Peoples Club" ... and 10 females decide they would be interested in signing up.    How do you decide with of the current members you kick out ?

    If people don't play regularly they are removed, I make that clear. I get vacancies quite often. It keeps them on their toes. 


  • Catesharkette2
    2,692 Posts
    Tue, Sep 10 2013 4:48 AM

    agreed as above i to am looking for a mixed group and to level the balance with female and male members but on this point im looking for male members lol but again i keep them on there toes if not acctive and dont particapate there shiped out simple thats why things are running great in my cc as so far thus cate x

  • nanstar
    4,914 Posts
    Tue, Sep 10 2013 5:07 AM

    Courteney rocks!

    So do Peter & Go Go!!


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Tue, Sep 10 2013 6:33 AM



    Not knocking Courtney or what she's trying to achieve.  It makes sense to want to balance out a club with Males / Females to whatever extent it can be done.

    I'm just curious though ... if you have 250 folks in "The Peoples Club" ... and 10 females decide they would be interested in signing up.    How do you decide with of the current members you kick out ?

    If people don't play regularly they are removed, I make that clear. I get vacancies quite often. It keeps them on their toes. 


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Sep 10 2013 6:47 AM


    agreed as above i to am looking for a mixed group and to level the balance with female and male members but on this point im looking for male members lol but again i keep them on there toes if not acctive and dont particapate there shiped out simple thats why things are running great in my cc as so far thus cate x

    How about an inter-club match Cate?

  • carolineRobert
    1,821 Posts
    Tue, Sep 10 2013 7:55 PM


    Courteney created this thread shortly after I posted in our club forum about a mixed league. You know, where men and women play together. lol She had informed me that we really didn't have enough women to probably make it happen, but I tried anyway and, after seeing my attempt and the lack of female interest, she obviously tried to help. Thank you, C! You are what sets TPC apart from the rest.....

    So, to everyone who hijacked this thread....really? Do you not have anything better to do with your time on WGT? Maybe like playing golf? 

    hi Chris ! ...hope you're doing well.

    i like your reply here ...especially the dark part. Well said mister !


    ps : good luck C finding what you need to make your CC a better place