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Female Championship

rated by 0 users
Wed, Aug 29 2018 7:26 PM (42 replies)
  • pottertt
    9 Posts
    Mon, Sep 23 2013 2:31 AM

    hi yes


  • Oldstir
    434 Posts
    Thu, Sep 26 2013 4:45 AM


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, Sep 26 2013 6:00 AM



    Are you ok sir? I'm starting to worry.

  • masnaktip
    340 Posts
    Sun, Oct 6 2013 9:42 AM

    Besides the fact that all online is equal there is the biggest setback to your request.

    WGT cannot control who is playing female,male or a f/m monkey. Just as they cannot/or do not want to control the multi accounters , sandbaggers etc.

    The flaw WGT has is they have games which do not in any way reflect on the players average. Players play these solely just so their average won't go down and they would tier up. Although WGT has taken some measures in different areas IMO there could be a lot more done, Like in blitz and skins which are games used extensively to avoid tiering up even AS is used heavily for this reason. It took me less than 2 months to be a Master and just under 6 months total to tier up to Legend. I look at players stats who have played for years and still are low tiers. Why? Who knows many reasons besides somehow getting a thrill by beating higher tiers, but you know they have an easier time on the course when they tee up next to the hole...

    My opinions are free


  • ProGreggC
    57 Posts
    Thu, Oct 10 2013 2:46 PM



  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 12:41 PM


    what a load of tosh.

    stop knicking my words

    This is me


    and I've got balls.......

    pink ones

    3 Pack of WGT B-XD Balls3 Pack of WGT B-XD Balls

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Oct 12 2013 1:59 AM

    And herein lie the problem. I aint putting my hand up to look under Johns Skirt to actually verify gender, and I am sure this is Icons real concern ( and Icon should know lol)

    After all there are quite a few "female" avatars out there who low and behold are actually men (sorry to burst some players bubbles, especially the suckers who gift stuff to their new sexy avatar friend).

    No pink balls for me, blue balls instead.........but thats another story.

  • Kittycat247
    2,813 Posts
    Fri, Sep 25 2015 7:45 PM



    Since this is an online game, the men and women are equal in their potential skill level, therefore segregating championships is not something that needs to happen.

    If that were to happen, what stops others from asking men's only championship, or lefties and so on :)


    Is that why WGT have ladies tees, the innuendo that we need to tee off 50yds  from the flag is bad enough and where's the equality when you bring out a ball promoting the mens PGA .  So it's too hard to  issue one with an L on the front as well! You can tell there's a bunch of guys running WGT LMAO.

    And I'm sick of playing male icons with low averages that are really women, now c'mon girls stop dressing up as men!!  ;) the boys in the office can't forget about us forever.


    p.s. What about a cats and dogs championship!


  • Bendeswede
    95 Posts
    Thu, May 4 2017 6:28 AM

    dumb suggestion...... what about all the men playing as women????? same *** with all the women playing as men. This will not and should never fly......  what about Tournaments, do you want to separate me and women......we are all equal...... Ask Hillary, she knows.


  • Bendeswede
    95 Posts
    Thu, May 4 2017 6:31 AM

    because we never meet in person and therefore never know if the player is man or a woman....SIMPLE!