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Wind effects

Wed, May 2 2018 6:36 PM (17 replies)
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  • bredboston
    11 Posts
    Mon, Sep 16 2013 12:39 PM

    Is it me or is wind a wierd variable


    Is it just a math formula? because i dont think an 8mph wind should add 20% to a 20 yard  hit

    or cause a 24 flop to travel 30 yards

    of ots kust math that makes sense

    just trying to understand this thing

  • jzepol
    28 Posts
    Tue, Sep 17 2013 7:28 AM

    i am having the same trouble. had an 80yd approach into a 20 mph wind  used my 52degree cleveland added about 12 yds for the wind and the ball went the whole 92 yds next whole had a 76 yd shot into a 12mph wind used my 60degree full power and it only went 61 yds  seems to be random as to the effect of the wind  another WGT mystery

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Tue, Sep 17 2013 3:00 PM


    Bred.... Using the starter wedges there is non existent back spin So

    A: you didn't compensate for ball roll or

    B: you didn't allow for the slope of the green or

    C: it was a combination of the two.

    JZE... Are you adding or subtracting distance compensating for the Elevation plus the wind?



  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Sep 17 2013 4:04 PM


    wind has huge effect on wedges... with bs or ts you could have 20-30yards difference. same for when you choke on a club. there is no specific formula to be had: just trial and error.


  • bredboston
    11 Posts
    Tue, Sep 17 2013 5:24 PM

    So, someone explain this shot?

    8 MPH wind left, ball barely moves

    I played the wind to move the ball at least a little

    Yes, my clubs stink but this was a ding

    This is what i mean about wind not being consistent


    1,141 Posts
    Tue, Sep 17 2013 6:03 PM

    man dude... 

    i took the time to go watch ya replay ... 

    ???  whats the prob ?? 

    there's a ridge that kiks yer ball to the right  right ... and  YES u KNOW ..the equipment an balls u have .. you have to land back an let ball run up... so you are going to get more kick;s from humps and bumps...  so on that hole i wouldn't have even play'd any wind... 

    but .. i'm not sure what you want ??   help ??  tissues ??  a majic wand ?? 

    look ... just play,,, you have a long way to go,,,.find friends better than you..AND ASK FOR TIPS!! or just..laff off junk ,,till you can get really good stuff...OR,, learn how to deal with it...

    from what i've seen so far ... all yer getting good at is cry;n an bi&^%'n .. 

    news FLASH .... this GAME is HARD .... not for kiddies... 


  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Tue, Sep 17 2013 6:03 PM

    Firstly, you did not have an exact side wind which will not move the ball as much.

    Secondly, If you look at camera #2 if you would have played the correct distance for your shot the flight of the ball with added distance could have missed the side down slope of the green and wound up relatively close to the pin. 

    Thirdly, if you would have taken the time to use different  cameras and studied the green you wouldn't be so apt to play to that side of the green using the equipment you have.

    It's called learning the courses and using course management.

    So based on what you have provided, your shot was more incorrect distance played and poor choice of playing the green, than a wind problem. Learn your carry and rolls of your clubs & ball combo and the courses, then you can be more precise.


  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Tue, Sep 17 2013 7:58 PM

    This is what i mean about wind not being consistent


    With your balls and clubs (disregard the distance and green contour) I'd have aim less than a flag stick right.


    You aim was twice as much needed, in fact landed about on the same line I would have aimed for.

  • jzepol
    28 Posts
    Wed, Sep 18 2013 8:51 AM

    both shots were the same 2ft up  played a practice round on the same 2 holes with heavy wind took mulligans and got  varied results  so basically its a crapshoot

  • bredboston
    11 Posts
    Wed, Sep 18 2013 8:59 AM

    What i find interesting is that my complaint was that the wind didnt move my ball an inch and people are assuming that i am complaining about where the ball landed

    Some points

    1.  I was aware of the ridge, which is why i expected the 8 mph west/nw wind to move the ball at least a few inches left

    2.  I understand the game is hard and my point is about consistency of understanding how the wind affects things, so if the answer is that a 8mph w/nw wind will not affect the ball at all, fine.  My point is that it is not consistent'

    3. MBaggese-- Thanks for the advice, i will try that

    4. 2Damflashy, I dont appreciate your attempt to belittle me so i would respond, that you learn reading comprehension, i didnt ask why the ball bounced right, i asked about the wind

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