Folks, the wind value you see indicated is not (NOT) a steady value --> for either strength or direction! You see only the average speed and direction.
Both in real life, and built into the game physics of WGT, wind is a variable. My gut feel after many thousands of shots on WGT is that wind direction varies by 10 or 15 degrees either way, and that the strength displayed can vary by up to 50% either way at the extremes..
Pile that on top of the variables built into the performance of your particular equipment set, and the 'circle of error' increases for any given shot if it has significant 'air time' on the way to a landing.
Example: Wind 10 MPH shown coming from 1:30 on a clock-face (right headwind); wind indicator wiggling moderately. I figure the actual wind strength can range mostly 8 - 12 mph, with lulls of 5 mph and gusts to 15 mph at the extremes. That incoming wind angle can vary (centered on 45 degrees) from 30 (mostly HEAD wind) to 60 degrees (mostly SIDE wind)!
Add that huge variability in 'effective wind' to the uncertainties of your equipment set AND the impact of the terrain in the landing area (already addressed by previous responses) ... and we shouldn't be surprised to to see some of strange results described.
When planning the shot, anticipate the worst, hope for the best, and put the shot to a safe spot on the fairway or green. Execute to the best of your ability, and deal with the results.