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getting to next level master tour master legend?

Mon, Dec 30 2024 4:34 PM (89 replies)
  • paul167
    154 Posts
    Tue, Oct 22 2013 6:04 AM

    just hit a 32 and dropped by 0.01 again, I don't understand,it must be random

  • filmslayer
    2,341 Posts
    Tue, Oct 22 2013 7:08 AM

    Paul , this thread may help you ...

  • paul167
    154 Posts
    Tue, Oct 22 2013 10:08 PM

    still clear as mud but thanks

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Tue, Oct 22 2013 10:48 PM


    still clear as mud but thanks

    Your average will sometimes drop what seems like a strange amount for the score you just posted.  This happens when you've reached saturation and your worst score gets dropped from the average calculation.

    Say for example you hit a 62.  If your worst score was a 73 then this gets dropped and replaced by the 62.

    Your next score might be a 60.  However, with that 73 no longer being in your average your worst score might be a 69.  This means the total number of shots your average is made up of only drops by 9, the 31 dropped it by 11 shots.  Therefor the better score will actually lower your average by a smaller amount.  As your average gets lower it gets harder to get it down, you need to regularly hit 56-58 to make much difference.

    Hell, I hope this makes sense, it looks pretty complicated when I write it down. It was simple in my head!

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Wed, Oct 23 2013 4:28 AM

    A 29 round Olympic drops me 0.02, but a 30 round STA will drop me 0.01, its pretty simple when u are close to the promotion point.

    In 300 + rounds I will be a TL, what the hell, it'll make no difference at all.

  • paul167
    154 Posts
    Sat, Oct 26 2013 7:40 AM

    more confusion for me, had two 31s today ad no drop but hit a 32 inbetween and dropped 0.01 again, how??

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Oct 26 2013 8:10 AM

    @Paul: Is your average saturated already - more than 500 Legend rounds?

    If not: How many Legend rounds do you estimate?

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sat, Oct 26 2013 8:28 AM

    This is going to look complex but it is the only way i can see to explain what is going on for you.

    Lets take your average and say you have have the 500 rounds for saturation, which i am confident you do with over 2k RR.

    500 x 62.19(your average) = 31095 strokes in total over the 500 RR

    Lets say for arguments sake that you shoot a 31 and that 31 is replacing a 33, dropping your total strokes by 2 strokes

    31095 - 2 = 31093

    NOw you divide the 31093 by the 500 again to get your new average

    31093/500 = 62.186

    WGT doesn't show a 3rd decimal and with basic rounding up and down rules your average would look like it did not move on your profile, because of the 6 they would round up keeping the shown average of 62.19

    Now you shoo that 32 and it replaces a 33 also from your saturation dropping total strokes by 1 down to 31092

    31092/500 = 62.184, now they would round down showing your average moving to 62.18

    then you shoot another 31 replacing a 33 another 2 strokes down to 31090

    31090/500 = 62.18 again not showing a move

    Alot of this is hypothetical and a lot depends on what scores are being replaced by the 31 and 32 but in premise you could see how it might happen


  • paul167
    154 Posts
    Tue, Nov 5 2013 1:20 AM

    it gets worse, shot 30 under tour legend conditions at st andrews, finished 2nd in RG, averege stayed the same??, im starting to think i might give up

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Nov 5 2013 1:45 PM

    Sorry to say, but you just ranting on, not responding to information you get, not answering to any questions posed, will not receive any helpful answers.

    One source of thought, if you better an average of 500 scores by one shot (1/500), which importance would it have to a random average shown to the second decimal?

    I can tell you: If there's one thing which works properly in WGT, it's the averaging algorythm.

    Just trust on it - everything will be fine!