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Re: O-Canada Myleague Ladder

rated by 0 users
Mon, Sep 23 2013 1:45 AM (0 replies)
  • DivatDown
    163 Posts
    Mon, Sep 23 2013 1:45 AM

    Hello WGT Players,

                 Looking for new payers for my O-Canada myleague Ladder.  This is not just for Canadians its for anyone who wishes to join.  We have been going strong since Febuary 2012 and have roughly 40 active Players.  Ladder play does not effect your WGT stats, its just something extra for fun and to meet new friends.  We have Players from around the world and in different time zones so you can ussally find a game anytime day or night.   There is roughly from 40 to60 and higher matches played daily. We Hold tournaments every weekend as well as during the week.   As the Head Admin I am happy to say we have a great bunch of Players playing and we are looking for more.  We also have a voice chat(Teamspeak) so you can chat with players as you play your matches.  Sure beats typing.....!!.  So if you want to meet some new friends,have some great games come on out and join!!!!!!!.  Looking forward to seeing you soon.  The link to join is   Instruction for Team speak on Main Ladder Page.  or email me at



    Head Admin