Receiving head winds, especially in Best of Par 5 might be annoying, but if you play it often enough, good and bad luck will cancel out pretty much. Anyway luck plays a significant role in golf (long puts, occasional hole-in-ones).
The 12 hour delay is pretty much arbitrary, but I thought its main reason was not to let some good players to enter every single ready-go and thus give worse players a chance, wasn't it?
It's true that sometimes people wait to see the scores before playing but it's really not clear it helps more than hurts (depends on one's psychological control). E.g. it may help to concentrate to win if scores are poor, but may demotivate if they are crazy good. Then again, everybody can wait... Also, if somebody wants to WD instead of posting a poor score, I don't see a problem with that, but I guess people WD as frequently or even more so before scores are revealed (otherwise it would be hard to explain occasional crazy situations when there are fewer than 30 posted scores and even the worst possible score gets back some credits).