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** loading issue becomes unbearable**

Mon, Nov 25 2013 6:42 PM (83 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 2:37 AM

    I've had the same problem for awhile now.  Using Chrome.... Firefox is ok, but the game plays better with Chrome, as in scores. After a few games I have to close browser and restart and all is good for awhile

    Sounds like my cache is filling up too quick.  Maybe Wgt is getting too big, with all the things that gets loaded.  Not sure

    One thing though.. I don't run Gamebooster anymore and meter is just about perfect... lol


  • DannyMcFly
    100 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 2:53 AM

    I'm afraid this is not users PC or connection problem, or crap like caches etc. I believe this is because of location and where you are redirected to the wgt, not everyone experiences problems with loading. For me now is better, but I had this too. I run small firm which provides internet local, server is at my home. My internet connection is unlimited yet still I've had loading problems. My friend from Czech R. experiences this too and few europe folks from CC, from time to time. I see somewhere on the forums Icon said, they had (still have?) problems with their provider. I was trying to ping wgt when I had problems and I got time-out with response from wgt servers. Sometimes package lost is around 90%, this is why cameras in game don't want to reload. My point is problem is somewhere on WGT end, not users.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 5:09 AM


    I know what I'm saying, so thanks but no need for the idiot proof tips guys,

    so if this doesn't happen to you or concern you, please don't comment,  thnks.

    My been there done that is because I've had just about all of the problems with this game one can encounter and with the help of a few other "idiot proof tips guys" as you so call and some stuff I learned by myself to do I got it figured out for my system at least. That's better than you can say.

     It's the players on here who have come up with solutions to most of the crap not wgt staff that's for damn sure. Simple, you don't want comments from other players don't write your problems in these forums.

    So bite me I was trying to help...Enjoy your shytty connections while I LMFAO from now on at your poor me I'd rather blame wgt posts regarding your continued problems...Have a nice life.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 9:54 AM


    Ever since I moved that slider to allow 1MB of storage instead of the preset 100 KB, I've had very, very few issues of any kind.    Single thing that gave me the most relief of any ills.

    Also there under settings is where I selected "enable hardware acceleration" under the bottom left corner icon.

    Thx H ...   but I've done this already.   I might try and Unchecking the h/ware acceleration....  see what that does.

    or try a different browser.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 6:46 PM

    might try and Unchecking the h/ware acceleration....  see what that does.

    I unchecked and bad

    Not too bad... but meter kept on going when trying to ding every couple of shots... Only a fresh air shot thank goodness


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 8:06 PM

    So....looks like the OP  has seen it's not a WGT thing...and won't man up...


    So hope the OP just keeps his/her head stuck down below from now on.



  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Sat, Oct 12 2013 8:16 PM


    So....looks like the OP  has seen it's not a WGT thing...and won't man up...


    So hope the OP just keeps his/her head stuck down below from now on.



    actually mr. smartass, OP has better things to do with his time
    than to wage dead-end pointless debate wars with a few know it alls,
    plus he's also taking a break from the game, but that's a side issue.

    OP wish mr. smartass could try and hold in his back draft opinions,
    and mind his own business, buuut guess that's just too much to ask
    from some people, and so another simple message aimed for wgt staff
    is being hijacked by a bunch of people with absolute no sense of purpose in life
    and apparently nothing better to do than to troll in and ruin yet another
    thread that doesn't concern them - should've made this a PM
    since you can't fix stupid, that point was well taken.

    thank you for helping derail this thread further down,
    hope this makes you feel better about yourself, since you obviously need it to.

    and one final note to the well meaning posters
    would be "read the FIRST LINE", here it is again:
    it began shortly after the latest update,
    which would suggest, everything worked fine before that all these years.

    and that's nuff of that, I'm done.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Oct 12 2013 8:39 PM

    and that's nuff of that, I'm don


    Good for you!


    Now if you have a question...just for future reference...this Mr. Smart Ass (must capitalize...we did go to school didn't we?) will inform your self of the importance of emailing WGT directly.



      Makes me laugh every time I see a whiner, complainer and griper make a post, then lash out at players trying to assist them because "ths post was meant for WGT only!!!"


    Effing putz.


    You really should close your account and come back as "gotnogameforever007"


    How'd the speed test come out for ya?


    Oh..never mind....