So....looks like the OP has seen it's not a WGT thing...and won't man up...
So hope the OP just keeps his/her head stuck down below from now on.
actually mr. smartass, OP has better things to do with his time
than to wage dead-end pointless debate wars with a few know it alls,
plus he's also taking a break from the game, but that's a side issue.
OP wish mr. smartass could try and hold in his back draft opinions,
and mind his own business, buuut guess that's just too much to ask
from some people, and so another simple message aimed for wgt staff
is being hijacked by a bunch of people with absolute no sense of purpose in life
and apparently nothing better to do than to troll in and ruin yet another
thread that doesn't concern them - should've made this a PM
since you can't fix stupid, that point was well taken.
thank you for helping derail this thread further down,
hope this makes you feel better about yourself, since you obviously need it to.
and one final note to the well meaning posters
would be "read the FIRST LINE", here it is again:
it began shortly after the latest update,
which would suggest, everything worked fine before that all these years.
and that's nuff of that, I'm done.