opyeuclid: Big .. I went over to Maxthon3 for a browser and never looked back ,
Yeah but he's been OK for 18 months with FF and now all of a sudden he has what the OP saw and what I see, particularly in the last 2 weeks, or so. WGT already fessed up, to a degree, but I don't think they fixed it properly.
I can't say what's going on, I just know what I see almost every night. Last night was pretty good with only a few disconnects that all came back but it's to the point where you're holding your breath, hoping to not only start a game but finish it too.
I've been all over things on my end because I'm playing on a backup laptop that is woefully under-RAMed (960Mb) and everything has to be "just so" to be able to play. The loading issue is sporadic but definitely evident and I'm 100% sure my machine is waiting for WGT. I can see it in the activity bar.
Sumptin' ain't right. :(