I'm sure all are aware there are leeches on here.....but. I invited a recent friend to a stroke game tonight, since alt shot seemed FUBAR , as usual.
All seemed good until the 2nd hole when she/he/it asked if I would gift balls.My first thought was WTF ??. I never answered, but on 2nd request I informed "it" that the only friend I gift balls to has never asked me to do it. Then the chit hit the fan....It was instant rage ."U invited me....U fkn Ahole...fk U etc." and then "it" left the game, (another WTF?) defriended me and blocked me. I did something wrong ???
I can't name the player , but "it" is shown as from Sri-Lanka and somewhat Krispy and sad.(Legend)."It" has never made a purchase. Hmmm. Beware !! Forum sleuths will catch on to this quickly ;). Thankfully there are tons of good people here!...... R