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Sun, Mar 30 2014 6:37 AM (59 replies)
  • ironmanz
    66 Posts
    Mon, Oct 28 2013 3:51 PM

    let me Change the Subject on fairness 

    • As Alexander the Great was dieing, he was approached by his 3 Generals who had fought bravely by his side for years, and they asked , To whom shall the kingdom go, and he said to the May the games begin,  My question has to be to to the WGT. Are golfers captive, or free agents, is it recruiting or poaching ?, If it is wrong would the WGT allow it. Would you leave your country club because of an invitation on a whelm, or would you respond No thank you I am happy or jump ship if you were less than satisfied.. back again is it poaching or recruiting.... I would love to hear players thoughts on the subject. would you like to be left along or maybe sometimes get an invite to join another club. You always have the option to say no, or maybe, Yes.  owners have there ideas of whats right or wrong, moral or legal, good and bad, I would like to hear from the players not the owners, I will respect what ever you say, keep it clean, No mud slinging , no cussing, no belittling. Just ownest thoughts on subject.   A owner is only 1 out of up to 250 players, I Want to hear from the 249.

  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Mon, Oct 28 2013 4:32 PM

    Seriously Ironmanz....

    you really want to go there too?

    you've brought this to a PUBLIC forum?  why not to the Country Club Corner where it belongs?

    I've given you or rather Alex my opinions on your Country Clubs rather pathetic underhand and low attempt at trying to poach players from other country clubs.

     if a player isn't happy he will leave of his own accord.

    I really don't care how you dress it up or try to justify it,  it's poaching.

    after this weekends rather pathetic poaching 'attempt' and the potential consequences and fallout of  behaving in that manor i think i make it quite clear of my opinion.

    It's been played out in wall posts between myself and Alex for 2 days but he just won't let it go.  As long as he stays off my profile and out of my threads then there is no need for us to communicate AT ALL.  running off to WGT mods crying about my responses to his ridiculous claims was both unnecessary and really, quite childish.  He wants it to stop, then tell him to STOP posting on my wall inviting further ridicule on himself and his club.

     I've done Alex the courtesy of removing most of them, because it really made him look slightly foolish with his ridiculous claims.  I have however, saved them should he really want to re-read them seeing as how you've opened up this can of worms  in a PUBLIC forum



  • ironmanz
    66 Posts
    Mon, Oct 28 2013 5:33 PM

    thank you for your thoughts more owners respond than players... wow. and if I get an invitation i will think it out and make my own choice..... 

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Mon, Oct 28 2013 7:39 PM

    let me Change the Subject on fairness 


    WTF...are you mental?

  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Mon, Oct 28 2013 7:49 PM


    let me Change the Subject on fairness 


    WTF...are you mental?

    deluded, the pair of them are!

  • roozilla
    630 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2013 1:58 AM

    most boring lot of whingers ever heard


    grow a brain then build a BRIDGE and get the hell out of here


  • boressie
    45 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2013 5:20 AM


    roozilla wrote the following post at 10-29-2013 1:58 AM:

    most boring lot of whingers ever heard


    grow a brain then build a BRIDGE and get the hell out of here



    Wtf r u talking about?? none forgot its a game. lol


  • liam91
    3,130 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2013 11:04 AM

    hi Ironmanz

    like most legends i've been invited to join other CC's but have always politely declined because at the moment i'm happy in the 1 i'm in. if that should ever change i would remove myself from the CC and go to the country club corner and look at what is on offer from the CC's that have advertised themselves there

    to me they are recruiting

    when an offer to join  a CC is sent when the player is still amember of another club , that to me is poaching.

    just my opinion and others may disagree.

    i am not a captive of my CC and can leave anytime i want, so i am a free agent and free to join any CC i please providing they would accept me

    so in summery you recruit in country club corner, you poach by going (unsolicited ) straight to the player who is still a member of a CC



  • liam91
    3,130 Posts
    Tue, Oct 29 2013 11:04 AM

    double post