aric737: Inconsistancies beyond belief.
can you elaborate?.....without knowing any of them it's impossible to even start looking at any problems and what's causing them.
my own line of thought it this.
there must be at least 5000 people play this game on a weekly basis. now here's the sticky wicket. if wgt was to blame for dc's.....inconsistances (whatever they are), then surely there would be a ton of people complaining.
Icon & Co can vouch that I'm no WGT brown noser and have been known to stick the boot in at times but if wgt are / were to blame for problems and the said problems were at their end, then where are the mass of complaints? because even if 10% of folks posted a complaint in here, then where are the 500 ? (and that's a pretty conservative effort)
if wgt were the root cause of problems, this forum would be glowing red hot with everyone complaining about the same thing and right now I don't see that happening. if anything, there are isolated cases where less than a handful of folks complain about the same issue out of a weekly player base of 5000.
if people can detail the problems / inconsistances (excluding R11's allegedly under performing at times, because I know the answer to that one), then wgt or tech savvy folks can look to offering any help where we can to folks who seek it.
just trying to be fair.