Seriously Ironmanz....
you really want to go there too?
you've brought this to a PUBLIC forum? why not to the Country Club Corner where it belongs?
I've given you or rather Alex my opinions on your Country Clubs underhand and low attempts at trying to poach players from other country clubs.
if a player isn't happy he will leave of his own accord.
I really don't care how you dress it up or try to justify it, it's poaching.
after this weekends rather pathetic poaching 'attempt' and the potential consequences and fallout of behaving in that manor i think i make it quite clear of my opinion.
It's been played out in wall posts between myself and Alex for 2 days but he just won't let it go. As long as he stays off my profile and out of my threads then there is no need for us to communicate AT ALL. running off to WGT mods crying about my responses to his ridiculous claims was both unnecessary and really, quite childish. He wants it to stop, then tell him to STOP posting on my wall inviting further ridicule on himself and his club.
I've done Alex the courtesy of removing most of them, because it really made him look slightly foolish with his ridiculous claims. I have however, saved them should he really want to re-read them seeing as how you've opened up this can of worms in a PUBLIC forum