I've never worked in sales, and probably wouldn't be very good at it,
so I'm not gonna try and sell you on why this is one of the best little-known gems
in wgt. what I will say is, that it is very hard for me to see myself
in any other country club. MSH is only the second country club I've been in,
and it's been a perfect fit for me. activities and seasonal events are important,
but to me a good club is measured by the person at the helm.
Kev the owner, is one of the hardest working owners you'll ever meet,
and because of his hard work, MSH is one of the most
active and fun CC's out there, but being a hard working owner
is only half the story, Kev is also an easy going owner,
which might not sound that important but it is. his easy going style of managing,
means that while the club requires you to be active, it's not strict and overbearing.
there's no "play or leave" ultimatums, and no one will time you as if you were
a pizza delivery guy, so you could take some time off after a while,
and not worry about getting kicked out - though obviously like most clubs,
chronically inactive/"ghost" players will find themselves out sooner or later.
what can I say, I've been a member for over a year now
and it only gets better with each passing season,
give it a go, you'll be happy you did.