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The new RG list

Fri, Sep 5 2014 6:40 AM (152 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 6:02 PM

    Actually I found some of the short tee TL RG's kinda fun..just my opinion.


    I think the lack of TL's is what causes TL's RG's to move reality there are the same top 10 TL's...most of the time the rest of us are'd think you felt good about mod/high wind CCC back 9 29...until you see the entry and winnings didn't get your ball usage cost back;)


    It is kinda frustrating though,to see a 100 or 200cr TL RG take a week+ to fill..and is why I rarely play Chris said. I like a fast trun around...but what you going to do?


    You can't force anyone to play.


    I don't think raising the entry fees is the answer...



  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 8:47 PM


    Actually I found some of the short tee TL RG's kinda fun..just my opinion.


    I think the lack of TL's is what causes TL's RG's to move reality there are the same top 10 TL's...most of the time the rest of us are'd think you felt good about mod/high wind CCC back 9 29...until you see the entry and winnings didn't get your ball usage cost back;)


    It is kinda frustrating though,to see a 100 or 200cr TL RG take a week+ to fill..and is why I rarely play Chris said. I like a fast trun around...but what you going to do?


    You can't force anyone to play.


    I don't think raising the entry fees is the answer...



    I know what your saying Mike,,,, but i can't see playing any ready go off the baby tees.

    Not for credits. Do that in the free weekly's if care to do that. Seems the high stakes ready goes are at the easiest courses.

    But.... then again i don't like to play 18 holes ready go anyway.... so don't bother me really one that end.

    I also don't play heavy wind read goes.... you know the

    I just wish we had 200-300 credits nine hole ready goes... at the Hardest Courses mod or low winds . IMO should play on the hardest courses for the most credits. Play the easiest courses for chump change. Beth should never be played for anything other than chump change. That is your 50 credit ready go!

    Not having two 50 credits nine holes on ....  ????

    The Oakmont 200 credit nine holes did well... so did the Congo 200 credit. I tried a couple of TL ready goes,, takes way to long to fill. Soo... done playing them.

    Far as ball cost goes.. can't beat nine holes. That is all i'm worried about.. paying for balls.. not the earnings list.

    I play ready goes to pay for balls only.... so then can play with friends in Alt. shot and whatnot,, and not costing me in balls... that's it.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 2:41 AM

    The Beth TL R/Go is just about  How long has that taken...a month, maybe 2 months.

    I have a feeling most people now might wait till it gets close to filling up before they enter the comp.  The reason this might be happening is... if you are the first few to spend the credits to enter the comp, you might have to wait another month before you get any credits back (if any)


  • demcug
    1,456 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 3:12 AM

    For me, the only solution is to open the RG to all Tier, but get them from TL Tee.

    I do not love you beth 1000 cr because it is too easy and I'm not a ding-man.

    Instead they are favorable to strong winds.

    I do not care that I have always 20 against, and others, 20 in favor.

    A rg goes in my favor and the other against me.

    Ok for + 9 RG, at 200 and 300 cr but only in hard courses as Merion, CCC, Whistler, Olympic.

    In these courses is more difficult to have many people in the top 15 with the same score.

    And then one thing I'd like is that the pay-out is different for each position in the leaderboard and not equal (eg. 6-10 = x2)

    And so the entrance fee only to 15 °.

    Eg. (RG 100 cr)

    6 ° 200

    7 ° 190

    8 ° 180




    .15° 100

    Of course the same total prize money for the 30 positions.

  • gedi83
    277 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 10:58 AM

    I think TL ready-goes are not totally necessary as they are even more competitive than RGs for all players, therefore there is very little motivation for TLs to enter where they have even less chance to win credits.

    Perhaps the only reason to have them is to let TLs play from different (non-Legend) tees, as in all ready-goes for all players, Legends and TLs always play from the tips.

  • toesmcjimmie1212
    35 Posts
    Sun, Jan 5 2014 5:23 PM

    Ready Go ideas:

    Bethpage Black F9 (100c)--moderate winds, tourney greens

    St. Andrews F9 (100c)--moderate winds, tourney greens

  • ColumbusStorm
    3,418 Posts
    Sun, Jan 5 2014 9:55 PM

    New RG's are needed. Been awhile on this same set. Assuming now that vacation/holiday is over there will be some new RG's.

    A couple UEL RG's, at least one 9 hole for 50cr and one 9 hole for 100cr.

    I prefer lots of 100cr  9hole RG's and at least 1 or 2 50cr 9hole RG's with even lies.

  • BubbaSauce
    260 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 5:40 AM

    I'm fairly new to playing Ready-Go's but here's my take after reading this thread:

    1. why not have a time limit on the life of a ready-go? There are a number of complaints about how long it takes to fill certain RG's. So why not put a time limit on it? If it's not filled in 7 days, then the field is set at whoever has signed up. The tourney is closed 24 hrs after that.

    2. as a lower-tiered player, Tour Pro. I'm not attracted to playing in open RG's. It doesn't make sense to risk the credits against 4 other tiers higher than me. I'm not against the competition, but if I'm looking to make some credits and not just pay for the experience, I'd rather compete against players in my tier.

  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sun, Jan 12 2014 12:33 PM

    New ready go list.

    What a pile of crap!

    That is all.

  • turfsand
    1,773 Posts
    Sun, Jan 12 2014 1:32 PM


    Ready Go ideas:

    Bethpage Black F9 (100c)--moderate winds, tourney greens

    St. Andrews F9 (100c)--moderate winds, tourney greens
