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Legend Saturation

Fri, Nov 22 2013 10:57 PM (33 replies)
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 11:12 PM


    Please clear up my confusion. Please make it SIMPLE.

    I'm trying to saturate as a legend, I have 500 ranked rounds since I made legend (my count, maybe not WGT).

    Do I need 500 rounds with a score of 30 or less or just 500 rounds.

    Is the par 5 considered a ranked round

    Does anything in the WGT stats  confirms me  when I'm saturated

    For saturation, 500 ranked rounds (9 or 18 holes), any score, on Par 65 to Par 75 courses.

    To level up to Tour Legend, saturation plus an average of 60.000. Not only 30/60 scores, because a 29/58 compensates a 31/62 etc.

    Confirmation is indirect. While the average moves in the second and (invisible) third decimal before and later, there will be a phase of severe drops from round 501 on. At that point, the highest scores will be kicked out, leading to "unexplicable" jumps. These will include drops from scores above the average.

    An example: Given an average of 68. Now, a 35/70 might kick a 40/80 out of the pool of 500 scores, resulting in a drop(!) of 10/500 = 0.02.   Further 80s will be ignored, the Legend average will never go up again.

    Thus, if you score 100 and the average doesn't move, you are saturated ;)

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Thu, Nov 21 2013 11:20 PM

    Do I need 500 rounds with a score of 30 or less or just 500 rounds

    Just 500 ranked rounds... you don't get notified of this....  but you will know after you shoot a few bad rounds and you average doesn't go up.


  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 9:31 PM

    Just 500 ranked rounds

    As Alosso pointed out though only certain "RRs" count.  

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Nov 22 2013 10:57 PM


    and wow... every game I played after that regardless of score my Ave was dropping....   even 36's  lol.

    A 36 round will definitely drop mine when I finally reach TL saturation.  You know those madness tourneys Shoe was doing with country clubs?  Ours had an 18 hole one on Best of Hardest and as usual he said please use starter balls.  I thought this was a requirement as limiting equipment had been discussed before. And this round counted towards my average.

    Having an 85 in there sure made it go up a bit.