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Sat, Nov 30 2013 3:09 PM (28 replies)
  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 9:07 AM

    As Paul mentioned... There could be 100 different reasons for the clock running down.

    Just FYI.. I play a lot with a good friend who does other things while playing, like cooking and cleaning and caring for her kids. She will often miss the clock all together, but I understand and just accept it. I often do other things while playing too, and the same can happen to me, but rarely does.

    I doubt many players are letting the clock run down deliberately, but more likely are multi-tasking !! 


    I am not making up anything it is a fact that there are players who waste time for no reason by running the clock down to the last second on the easiest of shots like tap ins. Most players don't do this but there are some who do. If someone is going to play they should be watching the game instead of sitting there fiddling around with other things then they would know when it is their shot. No one is remotely interested whether you are rolling a smoke or not, no one cares one bit about that. Use some common sense and roll your smoke before you start a game, it is not rocket science. Have a nice day lol.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 9:36 AM

    . No one is remotely interested whether you are rolling a smoke or not, no one cares one bit about that.

    How could you possibly know that, please stop thinking for other people. You seem a rather frustrated individual, have a smoke Dave, here's one I rolled earlier   :)___~

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 9:58 AM

    I have played with friends that will take over 60 seconds off a 90 second clock for what looks like an easy shot. If they are a long time friend I may ask, did you fall asleep? Joking of course. My thoughts are that way too many players on here have gotten bit by the tool bug. I am talking tons of notes, calculations, you name it. In a friendly stroke or AS match I personally don't see the need for this. Play it like you would on real course without the crutches. If you are qualifying for a big tournament or playing for serious credits then by all means take all the time you need. I rarely take over 20 seconds for a shot. In AS if I need to grab a beer or get a quick puff off a camel, I will notify the others that I need 45 seconds after my shot, this gives the other players plenty of time to shoot and for me to get back. Like was said, if you set a game at 45 seconds then 44 is within the limit. No need to get frustrated.

  • DAVE21265
    17 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 10:14 AM

    I am not frustrated at all that is my opinion and everyone has the right to their opinion and I am sticking by my original comment. It doesn't matter how many comments you make and how many answers you come up with I will always stick by my word. I can roll my own smokes but thanks for the offer.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 10:26 AM

    In AS if I need to grab a beer or get a quick puff off a camel, I will notify the others that I need 45 seconds after my shot,

    uh huh! sure Renni!

    I need 45 seconds, brb

    OK I'm back ty.

  • DAVE21265
    17 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 10:35 AM

    I am not one little bit frustrated I am saying it as I see it and 44 seconds to tap in a putt is ridiculous. I am entitled to my opinion the same as everyone else. The 45 seconds is to allow for shots that need some thought, not tap ins. People are entitled to do and say whatever they want and that includes me. How hard is it to get things like drinks and smokes ready before teeing off, that is an easy thing to do. If people have got things to do like looking after kids or cleaning or cooking then why not wait until that is all done and then play. I can't and wouldn't even try to tell anyone else what to do but we all have different opinions on things and you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. Most of the people on here are good people and I am only referring to a few who waste time. It's amazing how one little comment about timewasting can get everyone going. I suggest that everyone calms themselves down because this is just making me laugh now. Have a nice day. :-)

  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 1:18 PM

    I think the original question by Dave was....... Why the clock runs down. No?  You been provided with some valid reasons as answers to your question. Personally, I am not against waiting for a friend to shoot versus not playing at all . As far as waiting till the work is all done.......Do you not know a woman's work is never done ???  Lol.

    If waiting frustrates you so much why don't you just play alone? I always assume if someone is playing WGT, they really aren't all that busy. Chill.

  • ShaylaRose
    96 Posts
    Sat, Nov 30 2013 3:09 PM

    I agree with Dave. Too frequently, players milk the clock. I think it is irritating and is gamesmanship. I would like to think we can move on from that.

    Most of the answers provided are not, in my opinion, "valid".