As everyone knows there are four time options on the shot clock, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, 60 seconds, and 90 seconds. I only play players the same level as myself (master, l86, 64.05) or maybe a bit higher. Why is it that some players feel the need to run the clock down to the last second before hitting the ball even on simple tap ins and simple iron shots from the fairway even waiting until the clock says 01 before hitting from the tee ? I always put 45 seconds on my games, that is more than enough time for a player of master level to work out a simple shot like a tap in. A tap in should take no longer than ten seconds. I understand that some shots do need some thought but since when does it take 44 out of 45 seconds to tap in a five inch straight putt. I realise that everyone plays at their own speed but to run the clock down to the last second for every shot is ridiculous. You expect that at hack level, we all had to start somewhere, but not at master level. I know it's only a game and no one is breaking any rules by doing this but this deliberate unnecessary timewasting spoils the game and makes it very tedious.