I will try to write a positive post, and offer 2 suggestions.
When I became PRO I had fun playing this game. Then, for I don't know why, my status changed from Pro to Master. I had new credits, so I bought new clubs. Since then, my score went down the drain :-(
Now, with the new "High Wind" tournaments I can't even reach the fairway with my 230-yard driver! Especially with a front wind. So on 2-3 holes, I get a one-stroke penalty. Great way to start a tourney!
And please don't suggest me to buy a 9.5 driver or a 4000 credits set of clubs... 'cause I won't. I like to use credits won in games to buy clubs... that's the way I am with "video games". I play fair and square, but can't compete with nature, high wind and the like.
First suggestion: Let the player decide if and when he/she wants to tackle the Master game. Now, I play alone. I've tried it with others, and played with 80% quitters. Today, as a lone player, I simply try to beat my own scores on different links. That's my fun, but now as a master, the fun has been taken out.
Otherwise, I will consider dropping my player to start a new one... and try to remain pro, making sure I never reach the master status. For me this won't be cheating since I play alone... just to decompress from life. I enjoy trying to beat my score, and I really don't care about being the best in town.
Second suggestion: Create a "ghost player", so a lone player, like myself, can play against himself. That would be fun! In that sort of games, credits won't count, only scores.
So, do you think these suggestions might go through the "upper levels" of WGT?