trying to meet up with members like you- can 1 join multiple clubs?- also- i'm retired and play all winter in Florida- could host real games with members if they are in the area- let me know please
You are more than welcome to join GD, Unfortunately you can only be a Member of 1, CC on W.G.T. to join another cc you have to leave the 1 your presently in.
Best Wishes
thanks for the reply- I'm certainly considering joining your CC- still learning this site and navigation etc.- always looking for a friendly match or two-
If you like a lot of m/p, a/s and some good British humor, "thank's len" as well as excellent competition, then this club is for you. Come join the fun.
ou dois je aller pour poser une question ?
Je vois des reponses mais pas de questions.
OkTakeing a Guess here Dasy that you asking wether we accept Hacks into the club
Question YES.
This is a great club. Members like to play A/S, and M/P rounds. Its a fun club, with no rules, and create and play in tournaments if you want. Roy is a great owner. Its a great place to be.