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The Peoples Club.

Fri, Dec 13 2013 2:40 AM (70 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 10:25 AM

    I knew what club he was in. You can't judge a club just on it's winnings history though, they may have the best players but I expect there are many clubs here that are busier.

    That's what this section of the forum is all about. Players looking to see what the different clubs have to offer, and clubs advertising their attributes. It's just a shame that people can't just leave others to get on with that.

  • alosso
    21,087 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 10:44 AM


  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 12:53 PM

    Our club isnt very active as alot of the players have retired or are on break from the game. We have maybe 20 theat are active of the 65 or so in the club. 

    Most people in our club are good friends and have friendships that extend well past the world of WGT, which is really what this game is about. Meeting people and playing a few rounds.

    Club earnings means nothing and I dont think thats how any club should be measured. Its a shame thats how WGT ranks clubs, there really shouldnt be a ranking at all.

    I will say however...We have won almost all of the majors. :)


  • FalconBlue
    222 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 5:46 PM


    ... 80% of the time its no help to the topic at all. 

    You don't know how many people she's helped  and where do you get 80%?   Show your data.

    Courteney, has helped countless people, including me. People are constantly thanking her on her wall, and who knows how many have thanked her in private.


    Just your witty remarks which make you feel intelligent. 

    How could you possibly know how they make her feel?

    Courteney has also never hijacked a thread as you have and she has never initiated name calling unless provoked.  It's just not in her character.  She defends herself and quite well and usually with dignity and wit.  Clearly, neither of which you possess. 

    She doesn't need me to help defend her but I'm fairly certain you wouldn't be attacking her if she was a man.   There are many with more post's than her, are you telling me that everything they've stated is helpfull?......if not, are you leaving them hateful messages, also?

    I know....  there's a group who think it's fun to pick on and bully Court.....  how about doing something original,.... that you thought of?


    You post nonsense in almost every thread made, and 80% of the time its no help to the topic at all. 

    Oh, well, I'm sure you've stopped reading long ago.....     haters will hate.

    Merry Christmas.


    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 6:57 PM

    You're unbelievable.

    I dont remember asking you for your opinion.

    Is it better to remove people that stop playing

    Sure it is , we cull every 3 months, but your 30 day enforcement is a bit too much - hence you are forever recruiting.

    So, is it better to have a club full of blow-ins or  one with developed players who have grown with the clubs culture?


    5,835 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 7:28 PM

    You post nonsense in almost every thread made,

    True - or useless babble that has no effect to it - "look in the FAQ" 

    Thats what forums are for, to discuss what may be in the FAQ - you think you are providing the definitive answer with that in SOOO many of your posts.
    Offer something constructive sometime - you actually do come up with some useful stuff when you THINK about it.

    Also Fishster, you need to be very careful when posting PC or Browser advice , I have seen you offer help that has no relevance to the question and/ or would be even more detrimental to the issue at hand. just sayin'.

    You don't know how many people she's helped  and where do you get 80%?   Show your data.

    If you trawl the forums or simply do a search for her name you will see the data, but perhaps it is more accurate at 75%

    How could you possibly know how they make her feel?

    By the slant of her words. When you & TheFish get older you will recognize personalities behind phrase composition,

    People are constantly thanking her on her wall, and who knows how many have thanked her in private.

    I bet she gets a lot of private thanks. Most females here at WGT do.

    As a club owner you would like to thin she has helped SOMEONE!

    She defends herself and quite well and usually with dignity and wit

    LMAO - she  reminds me of a scorpion -  tread on its tail and it bites.
    TheFish has no wit and usually responds to any abrasive comments with slander and accusations often steering away from the actual topic in question.

    I guess you havent really been exposed to her posts very often huh.

    I'm fairly certain you wouldn't be attacking her if she was a man.  

    Pfft - male or female - probably more so if she were male. We are being gentle.

    There are many with more post's than her, are you telling me that everything they've stated is helpfull?

    Post count has nothing to do with it, after all its quality not quantity - besides, her post count is irrelevant -  doesnt  The Peoples Club have a thread in your forum "Raise your post count here"?  LMAO

    Regardless of others posts being helpful or not BlueBird, TheFish puts herself out there and exposes her inadequacies consistently. She creates her own target.

    Calls the club "biggest and best" in amongst peers far more capable and successful.

    Consistently recruits new blood, develops nothing, just expects. Once you havent posted a game in 30 days , you are gull food.

    This is TPC culture. if they dont play, Churn em and burn em mentality.

    displaying a club that has its members active within 30days does not mean all the members of the club participate in club event or are a part of the culture of the club,.

    Obviously NOT, due to the constant recruiting and obvious frustrations.

    Carry on. Turf out the ones you have forgotten about every 30 days
    - continue in your 'post count'  thread
    - wave your flag of derision all over the forums.

    we love you.

    Merry Christmas.




  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 7:39 PM

    My oh my.


    I must be out of practice...well, at least out of piss...these things never turn out good...

  • MBaggese
    15,375 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 7:39 PM

    My oh my.


    I must be out of practice...well, at least out of piss...these things never turn out good...

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 7:54 PM


    Post count has nothing to do with it, after all its quality not quantity - besides, her post count is irrelevant -  doesnt  The Peoples Club have a thread in your forum "Raise your post count here"?  LMAO

    You can not be serious huh?

    OMG   Really?

    Why would someone want to increase their post count?

    Prize for that or what? What free sleeve to member with most posts in a month? 

    Heard some crazy shite,, but this takes the cake if true.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 8:06 PM


    My oh my.


    I must be out of practice...well, at least out of piss...these things never turn out good...

    Fookin funny though and I'm not involved for once....until ( can't resist ) 

    AND we didn't need Mods after YOU started last weeks slanging match LOL
