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Ready Go's question

rated by 0 users
Tue, Dec 10 2013 9:35 PM (12 replies)
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  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 7:06 PM


    How do you view the leaderboard of a Ready-go in progress?  Thought we could see only the finished ones.

    Well, before that Rookie Mags jumps in ....


    You can only see the RG board, once it's filled...i/e all 50 players have entered...once 50 have entered, then you can view.


    Something tells me Mags has no issue on who entered,!

  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 7:08 PM


    How do you view the leaderboard of a Ready-go in progress?  Thought we could see only the finished ones.

    Actually mkg i thought, well think the same thing, but in a similar thread i was told otherwise but i have never been able to do it. Only time I have ever seen a leader board in a RG is when the full 50 had signed up and I was one of those 50 and I completed my round and believe that is done for a reason. I can't remember the thread nor who posted it but maybe if you are savvy and know how WGT does their url and can change some of the numbers based on the number of the RG its possible. Haven't tried and don't care. I join the RGs that I want and play them based on my belief that I can do well and at least double my stake and worse case get my stake back. If you identify some RGs that you think you can do well in and play enough of them and score well, over time, you should be able to make credits. I have not had to put money into the system for awhile and have no access to surveys or videos being here in Costa rica, they are few and far between

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 9:35 PM

    Guys, thanks for the info...was curious since I've experienced the same thing, can't see the board until you've posted your round and the slate's full.

    Have played only one RG in my (almost) two years here but am interested in playing more.  Your advice to find a comfortable fit is good, jsweetcr, much appreciated.

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