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Sunny Beach Golf Club

Sat, Dec 14 2013 9:57 AM (1 replies)
  • RichGast
    351 Posts
    Thu, Dec 12 2013 5:06 AM

    Hi there!  If you:

    1) are a mature adult who behaves like one,
    2) are interested in making new friends,
    3) enjoy rounds of virtual golf with your friends,
    4) are willing to actually talk with your friends while golfing (using Skype),
    5) aren't so self-absorbed that you have to use cheats in a game,
    6) finish the rounds that you start,
    7) like to compete in tournaments, both within the CC & against other CCs...

    then you would most likely enjoy the Sunny Beach Golf Club and we would most likely enjoy having you here.

    We are currently looking to add up to 7 qualified (see list above) new members.

  • geedeegee
    14 Posts
    Sat, Dec 14 2013 9:57 AM




    Just now getting into the cc thing- have started one of my own- can 1 join multiple clubs?- also- I need some schooling on matches and playing rules?- I'm assuming that there is no way to play a match against better players and getting strokes- as in a real golf match?- I can't seem to compete against TL's etc. - with the only advantage being the tee boxes advantage?- is this correct- if so – takes some of the fun out of a match even if I play lights out- thanks for any feedback-
