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VEM on the putting green..has wgt ever officially confirmed or denied it??

Fri, Dec 20 2013 9:00 PM (52 replies)
  • fitzroy1965
    337 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 12:11 PM

    Yes I know wgt  admits they can implement vem on any shot , I guess I was just hoping the putter and the putting green would be sacred ground so to speak!! I must also honestly admit very rarely does vem seem to happen when putting compared to iron shots. But guess wgt can ocassionaly implement vem even on putts, which is a shame but true I guess. Lastly ,anyone suprised NO moderator has replied to this issue?? would be nice to at least get there take but oh well....

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 12:57 PM


    Just won the Oly. front nine ready go on champ greens,, sorry but those greens are not even close to champ speed.... maybe very fast at best.

    FFS, man, you trying to put CIB out of business? You obviously adjusted so what's the friggin problem? You had to think, or something? That is just plain miserable BS complaining for the sake of complaining.

    Pardon my sincere lack of sympathy.

    No not really YJ. There is no problem,,, we were talking about Vem on the putting green mate. Also some of the Vem that has been going on.

    Sorry you see it that way,,, but sometimes the truth hurts. Or better yet,,, sometimes people don't want to hear the truth.

    Got to call it like i see it. Sorry but i can't dress it up to make it look good. This game could be so much more.... but not heading it that direction.

    Also as far as CIB goes.... sorry again..... i got to agree with


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 1:15 PM

    Sorry you see it that way,,, but sometimes the truth hurts. Or better yet,,, sometimes people don't want to hear the truth.

    OK, let's take this a little further. Take the VEM that you guys scream about out of the game. What do you suppose the scoreboard would look like? 15-20 or more 26's maybe? Then what happens? My guess-boredom sets in and you lose interest and new players don't even bother contributing to the pot. You wind up slugging it out with your peers while the common folk pass on by, knowing they have the proverbial snowball's chance.  ;-)

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 1:37 PM


    Yes I know wgt  admits they can implement vem on any shot , I guess I was just hoping the putter and the putting green would be sacred ground so to speak!! I must also honestly admit very rarely does vem seem to happen when putting compared to iron shots. But guess wgt can ocassionaly implement vem even on putts, which is a shame but true I guess. Lastly ,anyone suprised NO moderator has replied to this issue?? would be nice to at least get there take but oh well....

    Friend, you've played all of 40 ranked stroke play rounds as of this post. How can you know when and if this supposed VEM has struck  I have no idea? Perhaps, you've made a preparation error or an execution error that you don't recognize. Some of these other folks in the thread have played 1000's of ranked stroke play games. If anything, they know when they've made an error of judgment. Looking to get some word from the message board moderator is just silly. He's here to keep us in line, not to dispense company information.

    Play rounds and really take in what you've done on each shot or putt. Looking for something to blame isn't the way golf is played. GL

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 1:47 PM


    Sorry you see it that way,,, but sometimes the truth hurts. Or better yet,,, sometimes people don't want to hear the truth.

    OK, let's take this a little further. Take the VEM that you guys scream about out of the game. What do you suppose the scoreboard would look like? 15-20 or more 26's maybe? Then what happens? My guess-boredom sets in and you lose interest and new players don't even bother contributing to the pot. You wind up slugging it out with your peers while the common folk pass on by, knowing they have the proverbial snowball's chance.  ;-)

    Very... very good YJ. Now you are starting to see the

    Yup you are correct in your assessment. What you just stated is the biggest problem with this whole game.

    Skill should be the king...... period. Yup...IRL  you will not see a 5 hcp golfer beat a scratch player never.... not going to happen.

    Problem here is they made equipment way to good to start with. So when someone spends the time to learn this game it becomes quite easy.

    If went back to G10 irons and WGT balls then maybe game would not need the extra help from Vem.

    The bottom line is when entering a competition the common folk should not stand a chance. How could they??   

    Sooo.... instead the game punishes players that have spent the time to learn this game... and screws them over..... so some lucky cat can win.

    Sorry mate that is not golf. Not any golf that i know,, that is certain.

    I'm afraid its way to late to go back now. If was worried about the game play and not the money this game would not be like this.

    I have a question for you. When you win a tourney... wouldn't it be nice to know that you won because you played better than the rest??

    I know i would,,, but sorry to say that is not the case here. More like someone else got the Vem and you got lucky.

    Not golf!  Called it what you like... but that is not golf mate.

    We were discussing this same thing in the wind thread. Its called suckering players in to give them false

    Hoping the better players get the Vem so they can win. Really... what the hell is that??

    I've been playing golf now for over 30 years. This is a game of skill! You don't spend the time... you win nothing. Matter of fact... IRL.. you don't spend the time... you look like a fool.


    Edit:  I also got very good feeling YJ that you know all this already. Its okay to come out and say it You know what is going on here,,, the truth will set you free

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 4:53 PM

    If went back to G10 irons and WGT balls then maybe game would not need the extra help from Vem.

    Links did that. Same clubs and balls for everybody, your skill got you the average. Alas, where's the income? 

    What you say applies to a most minor target audience. You don't appease those that have taken this game-point and click style-to an absurd level. There's no appreciable income there. VEM's taking care of distributing that lost income among the players in the RG's. LOL 

    FWIW, if, at my level of play, I were to win something I know it would be because of some luck but a lot of skill. VEM's not keeping me down, I am. Were I to ever get to your level I would expect luck to enter into the equation simply because that's the way it works. How lucky was Adam Scott that Tiger hit that stick? VEM is a necessary evil , there's nothing you can do about it. The odd part is that it works-nobody's dominating RG's.  

    We're in different worlds, G.  :-)

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 5:07 PM


    If went back to G10 irons and WGT balls then maybe game would not need the extra help from Vem.

    Links did that. Same clubs and balls for everybody, your skill got you the average. Alas, where's the income? 

    What you say applies to a most minor target audience. You don't appease those that have taken this game-point and click style-to an absurd level. There's no appreciable income there. VEM's taking care of distributing that lost income among the players in the RG's. LOL 

    FWIW, if, at my level of play, I were to win something I know it would be because of some luck but a lot of skill. VEM's not keeping me down, I am. Were I to ever get to your level I would expect luck to enter into the equation simply because that's the way it works. How lucky was Adam Scott that Tiger hit that stick? VEM is a necessary evil , there's nothing you can do about it. The odd part is that it works-nobody's dominating RG's.  

    We're in different worlds, G.  :-)

    No... we are not in different worlds entirely. I understand exactly what you are saying for sure.

    And... you are right,, luck does play a part in the game. this shite that they are pulling is downright

    I just get frustrated because i know when i hit a decent shot,, and i know when something fishy is going on.

    Again your right about the income,, doing it the right way doesn't make the most profit.

    I just wish all these fancy clubs and balls would disappear and skill somehow could be restored to a decent level.

    Wishful thinking on my part.   :)

  • VEM9000
    169 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 5:14 PM

    At this point I would just like to wish everyone a happy Holiday season and extend a little gift to even those who don't care too much for me ( in accordance with posting guidelines, not naming names). Best wishes.

     photo 6d839b75-dc31-4d1b-83ab-c6c18d9267cc_zps5c265f58.jpg

    VEM9000 :)

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 5:19 PM


    At this point I would just like to wish everyone a happy Holiday season and extend a little gift to even those who don't care too much for me ( in accordance with posting guidelines, not naming names). Best wishes.

     photo 6d839b75-dc31-4d1b-83ab-c6c18d9267cc_zps5c265f58.jpg

    VEM9000 :)

    And I thought I was special!


    Does that mean I get two free passes?

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 5:25 PM

    I told you what to do with your pass, shove it up your, rhymes with pass. No one is special anymore MB, he gave me one too. Must be a free promo from a sponsor or something. He is handing these out like sugar at a fire ant convention.