geraldlarousse:Sorry you see it that way,,, but sometimes the truth hurts. Or better yet,,, sometimes people don't want to hear the truth.
OK, let's take this a little further. Take the VEM that you guys scream about out of the game. What do you suppose the scoreboard would look like? 15-20 or more 26's maybe? Then what happens? My guess-boredom sets in and you lose interest and new players don't even bother contributing to the pot. You wind up slugging it out with your peers while the common folk pass on by, knowing they have the proverbial snowball's chance. ;-)
Very... very good YJ. Now you are starting to see the light...lol.
Yup you are correct in your assessment. What you just stated is the biggest problem with this whole game.
Skill should be the king...... period. Yup...IRL you will not see a 5 hcp golfer beat a scratch player never.... not going to happen.
Problem here is they made equipment way to good to start with. So when someone spends the time to learn this game it becomes quite easy.
If went back to G10 irons and WGT balls then maybe game would not need the extra help from Vem.
The bottom line is when entering a competition the common folk should not stand a chance. How could they??
Sooo.... instead the game punishes players that have spent the time to learn this game... and screws them over..... so some lucky cat can win.
Sorry mate that is not golf. Not any golf that i know,, that is certain.
I'm afraid its way to late to go back now. If was worried about the game play and not the money this game would not be like this.
I have a question for you. When you win a tourney... wouldn't it be nice to know that you won because you played better than the rest??
I know i would,,, but sorry to say that is not the case here. More like someone else got the Vem and you got lucky.
Not golf! Called it what you like... but that is not golf mate.
We were discussing this same thing in the wind thread. Its called suckering players in to give them false hope....lol.
Hoping the better players get the Vem so they can win. Really... what the hell is that??
I've been playing golf now for over 30 years. This is a game of skill! You don't spend the time... you win nothing. Matter of fact... IRL.. you don't spend the time... you look like a fool.
Edit: I also got very good feeling YJ that you know all this already. Its okay to come out and say it now...lol. You know what is going on here,,, the truth will set you free mate....lol.