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What is gravity?

Thu, Aug 14 2014 10:08 AM (36 replies)
  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 12:43 AM



    You are implying there is mass in the ' fabric of space' in relation to the balloons static electricity holding it to the ceiling. If that was so, our atmosphere would slowly be eroded rubbing against this supposed fabric. Because of its larger encompassing mass around the earth the laws of thermodynamics would take over and friction from the mass pressing in all directions against us would erode the atmosphere. Like a lollipop in your mouth.

    If the widely-held theory of the 'consistency' of the 'fabric of space' is indeed a truism, 90% of the matter in the entire universe is dark matter and dark energy, and it surely would be finer than silk, being nobody has actually detected any of it yet. That's a lot of mass!
    Although this dark matter/Earth interaction results in a form of 'chargeless electro-staticism' on the Earth, presumably because of the nullifying effect of the dark energy that is simultaneously present, very little energy can be discharged into this 'elastic fabric'. The resulting nearly 'one-sided transfer' of this force, it seems, greatly diminishes any 'two-sticks-rubbed-together' form of friction-induced atmospheric erosion. The negligible amount of energy expelled from the Earth during this interaction is passed into the fabric. Like a huge 'heat-sink'.


    Why do you think that in all adaptations of real space travel there would be a rotating wheel attached to the ship? I believe I saw an example of this in a movie called "mission to mars". The rotating part of the ship acted as Centrifugal force, which gave the inhabitants the feel of gravity. For better or worse it (gravity) is what is holding us on the planet not centrifugal force. We would have to be able to walk against the sky to have centrifugal force to keep us down against it.

    Then there is the electrical force you suggest. If that were in fact the force holding us here we would have to have a certain mass of metal in our bodies to have "magnetism" the electrical force holding us to the planet. We do have iron in our blood so you may be on to something there. However it does not explain why a ten pound bowling ball and a 1 pound rock will hit the ground at the same time dropped from the exact same height. No metal in the ball. May be some in the rock. Terminal velocity. Thermodynamics again. 

    Not 'electrical'... Electro-static. Not 'metal'... Matter. Remember the balloon? No metals involved. Just matter.
    The ball/rock example is a good example, indeed. May as well be an apple and a feather, right? Without any affective atmospheric conditions, the mass of each dropped from an equal height is negated by this static force, causing each to travel through space/time equally.


    Let’s apply for a $15,000,000.00 grant and we can go to work on this theory for a year. Next year add 15% for another grant.

    Because we have an iron core in the planet we have a magnetosphere which along with the ionosphere and ozone layer keeps us from cooking from the suns radiation. The magnetism of the planet is hurled outward away from the planet so it can not be the force that binds us here.

    A magnetosphere is that area of space, around a planet, that is controlled by the planet's magnetic field. The shape of the Earth's magnetosphere is the direct result of being blasted by solar wind. It prevents most of the particles from the Sun, carried in the solar wind, from hitting the Earth. The Sun and other planets have magnetospheres, but the Earth has the strongest one of all the rocky planets. The Earth's magnetosphere is a highly dynamic structure that responds dramatically to solar variations.

    Touchy subject these days - the magnetosphere. The recently-reported reduction in it has created quite 'the hub-bub' in the southern hemisphere, specifically the area above Bolivia, Paraguay, etc...
    I prefer to withhold any comment until more studies are concluded on this subject...


    The only outside forces acting upon the earth is the solar winds which are very dynamic. Changing constantly. Put a good part of Canada in darkness some years back messing up the electric grid. The earth moves up and down while in its rotation around the sun over a 30,000 year period I think from the highest part of the lift to the lowest part. We are now nearing the upper part of the rise and a lot of folks are very worried about the communication satellites and GPS as well as military stuff buzzing all around us up there. Your cell phone reception and yes even your wireless mouse to your computer connection is affected on a strong solar flare from the sun flinging out hundreds of thousands of miles into space. Not to mention the asteroids roaming about are most active in near earth misses & hits on the top of the rise. DUCK!

    Ison 2013/Nibiru/Planet X fear-mongering should have no place in this discussion, as nothing good can come of it. Besides, when all the banks shut down and freeze everyone's accounts, and global martial law is declared 72hrs later, do you really think that all the users of wireless mouses [mice (?] won't just switch to wired ones, here at WGT? ;)


    So if you’re not hitting the ding, check out what the sun did 8 minutes before your shot. They are updated every 10 minutes by the ACE Space Craft.

    As far as the rotation of the earth always moving with regards to the Philadelphia experiment, the action of the teleportation would be taking place faster than the speed of light. The earth rotates at 18,000 mph. The speed of light is 186,000 feet per second, so the original ship would not have moved from the original location on the earth on a horizontal plane. It was the vertical plane that did the damage. A wave can lift a ship a lot faster than the planet can rotate. Under the same analogy radio waves would never catch up to the receiver if the earth’s rotation affected such dynamics.

    I have never seen a movie about the experiment. I will look for one so I can be on the same page. I have a photo of the ship with all the wires and cables wrapped around it to generate the electrostatic charge they were believed to use to do the experiment. I am obviously interested in the experiment and have been but I am VERY reluctant to speak to much more about it. Everyone involved mysteriously met their demise except one man who has been lost and will remain that way, I’m sure.

    Liken the supposed 'teleportation experiment' to tossing a ball vertically while travelling in your car, versus tossing the ball vertically outside the window of your moving car. With the effect of teleportation causing an exodus from the 'known realm of being', I'd think that the result would be more like 'outside the car' than 'inside the car'... makes sense to me anyways.  ;)


    So I have no answer to what is gravity. The adage “if you remove all variables only the truth remains” applies here. We obviously have more variables to remove before the truth reveals itself. I would like to see an experiment on the space station of taking a vacuum cleaner into space and turn it on with a nano micro filter in it and see if there is anything in a vacuum, in a vacuum in space.

     The Honda Odyssey has one now, why not the ISS?  lol

  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 7:43 AM


    You are a wicked, wicked man.


    I have to go to work but now I am going to be thinking about this all damn day.

    Can you please tell me in the simpelest terms how you quote the dfferent refferences we make to each other. I like that feature a lot, but do not posess the skill to do it.

    It is pertenent as I can answer to each topic as you have.

    Thanks, looking forward to followig this to where ever it leads.


  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Tue, Dec 17 2013 9:01 AM

    I have heard physicist's describe gravity as more of a condition than a force.

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2013 10:03 AM



    You are a wicked, wicked man.


    I have to go to work but now I am going to be thinking about this all damn day.

    Can you please tell me in the simpelest terms how you quote the dfferent refferences we make to each other. I like that feature a lot, but do not posess the skill to do it.

    It is pertenent as I can answer to each topic as you have.

    First... after clicking the quote button and entering my text between yours, I enter the HTML [slashquote]  (where 'slash' is an actual forward slash) after your text. Then, before your next text entry, I enter (either by copy/pasting or typing it in directly) your quoteuser="pee" HTML. Do this for each paragraph, for example, that you'd like to answer directly. There are other, better ways, I'm sure, but this works expediently. I then bold my text to make it easier to read and distinguish it from your own.


    Thanks, looking forward to followig this to where ever it leads.


    Oh... you can use the "PREVIEW" tab at the top of the reply to see how it's gonna look, then return to the "COMPOSE" tab to make any adjustments and before clicking the POST button.

    Hope this helps.  :)

  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2013 6:47 PM

    ThanksPugs, I will try it soon, I just did the pasting thing on the quantum page and it did not get the boxes.I understand now.

    Thanks for taking the time to tell me. The bold is a great way to seperate as you said. I will definatly use that.


  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2013 7:30 PM

    Liken the supposed 'teleportation experiment' to tossing a ball vertically while travelling in your car, versus tossing the ball vertically outside the window of your moving car. With the effect of teleportation causing an exodus from the 'known realm of being', I'd think that the result would be more like 'outside the car' than 'inside the car'... makes sense to me anyways.  ;)


    Quick point to ponder...tossing a ball up in a moving car, or jet airplane, etc, is one of Newtons laws..."an object in motion tends to stay in motion" Or similar) effect while the car/jet/etc is moving, so is the object being tossed up...that's why it doesn't land behind you.


    Now tossing out of a car window, might look like a "curve ball" from inside, but is actually coming out straight (assuming no spin/wind) as an arrow.


    So I can see (regardless of earth rotational speed, etc, even waves on the ocean, that an object relative to it's own space, actually doesn't move...i/e the boat goes up, so does the object.


    Now the Movie I need to watch again, been a good 20 years I think, since I've even thought about it, and had no idea it was based on some actual occurrence.

  • ithurtswnipee
    891 Posts
    Wed, Dec 18 2013 8:50 PM

    I keep hearing about a movie.


    Thank you

  • PugsAce
    1,825 Posts
    Thu, Dec 19 2013 12:18 AM


    Liken the supposed 'teleportation experiment' to tossing a ball vertically while travelling in your car, versus tossing the ball vertically outside the window of your moving car. With the effect of teleportation causing an exodus from the 'known realm of being', I'd think that the result would be more like 'outside the car' than 'inside the car'... makes sense to me anyways.  ;)


    Quick point to ponder...tossing a ball up in a moving car, or jet airplane, etc, is one of Newtons laws..."an object in motion tends to stay in motion" Or similar) effect while the car/jet/etc is moving, so is the object being tossed up...that's why it doesn't land behind you.

    Yes. Newton's first.


    Now tossing out of a car window, might look like a "curve ball" from inside, but is actually coming out straight (assuming no spin/wind) as an arrow.

    I was likening one perception of  "the effect of teleportation"  to the very 'spin/wind' that you have mysteriously eliminated from the reality of the situation. That's the whole point, Bagsy.  :|


    So I can see (regardless of earth rotational speed, etc, even waves on the ocean, that an object relative to it's own space, actually doesn't move...i/e the boat goes up, so does the object.


    No. A moving object relative to it's own space actually does move. It is just perceived as not moving by an observer IN THAT SPACE. A casual observer outside that space will, correctly indeed, perceive the actual motion of that same object.

    I guess it's all in how ya look at things...   lol.


    Now the Movie I need to watch again, been a good 20 years I think, since I've even thought about it, and had no idea it was based on some actual occurrence.

    Doubt that it actually occured... but the sensationalism surrounding what was reported back then did turn out to be good movie fodder. 

    ... and my apologies to the OP (Alex) for the off-topic responses. Back to the gravity of the discussion we go... ;)