Just coming back from the first rental walk.
I took the lvl 92 Max and the lvl 95 R11s 3WDs instead of driver, and the ATV 60 (lvl 86) instead of my faithful 60° Z Satin. (lvl 33 Cally ball as usual)
It's a gas! At first, the Max felt a bit sleepy - clicked early a few times, causing a bogey on BPB#1. Then, becoming used to it, both sailed fine to a 33 round. Dart throwing with 3WDs - priceless!
Can't tell now which is better, only the best situation was with the R11s - nailed it next to the pin on #3.
The ATV lay in my hand like an old acquaintance. Eventually, the flops behave like flops, and punched approaches stick like glued.
Nice pre-christmas gift, though only rented.