PRStevenson: The 'scroogers' are happy.
I do believe it was you that said you were disappointed.
that's nothing to do with disappointment, it's for those who don't think WGT should be doing anything generous or festive or christmas-related because it's all about the $$$....which is a load of crap.
With all due respect (and I'm not trying to knock the attempts here of people trying hard to sound intelligent) but to all concerned I/we don't need any analogies or metaphors or any other attempt at explaining your opinion valid as it is.
I think there's clearly a lot of confusion over this thread. It was a simple one really and that is that I thought (as I'm sure many have) that WGT could have just done a bit more this Christmas.
There was no mention of 'free stuff' until someone else took the thread off on a tangent.
So next time please 'read' the OP and if you think they (WGT) have done an excellent job this Christmas, please say so, if you don't think they have say so.
What we don't need is someone to take what's written out of context and write a patronizing lecture about their thoughts on business which just makes the writer sound (again trying to say this in the kindest way) a little bit silly.
I'm trying to say this in the nicest way because I don't want to offend people who have taken the time to write such long explanations.
Anyway hope y'all had a nice Christmas and have a Happy New Year.