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Become Legend And Get Punished By WGT For It!

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Sun, Jul 20 2014 12:38 AM (25 replies)
  • Weeducation
    17 Posts
    Sat, Dec 28 2013 8:51 AM

    I managed to leave the ladie's tee behind bout a month ago and still cant figure out why WGT feels I should be punished for achieving Legend tier status.

    If a player reaches Legend tier than obviously that player has had to invest some time and funds to get there. Also that player must have displayed some skills and truly loves this game since he/she dedicated quite a bit of his/her time to get there.

    So said player feels good about achievement and heads to pro shop knowing that he/she will no longer be hitting from the kiddie's tee and will require better clubs to continue his/her rise to "stardom"

    Here is where said player hits a major snag, WGT then says "No Decent Clubs For You" for at least another 10 levels with each level being 30,000-50,000 Experience Points to achieve week or maybe even 2 per level....ole cow.

    So even though said player has invested a LOT of his/her time already, WGT says" Well now go play for a few months with an automatic handicap because we wont let you get real clubs untill you show maximum dedication to this game even if that means not being able to reach a lot of fairways with current driver"

    And I do have best driver money will let me buy at present time. Some courses are simply off limits because driver cant cut it unless "no wind" tourney is active.

    Could WGT please explain why becoming a Legend requires a punishment attached to it?

    Becoming a Legend has made me wonder if I should just walk away or is it really worth it to play 2-3 months handicapped just so I can give WGT more money then?

    And please dont tell me oh dude just buy Nikeeeeeeeeeeee balls that will go further....when it makes much more sense to invest in the right clubs.

    I refuse to pay more than 300 creds per sleeve because I believe anything higher cost than that for balls is highway robbery.

    So WGT can you please explain to me why I needed to be punished in this fashion?

    Was I really that naughty this year?

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Dec 28 2013 6:41 PM

    Your bag is a mess. Ditch the hybrid and get another wedge. Get three wedges that are evenly spaced and of equal level. I don't know what you mean by no decent clubs for you at the Level you are now. You could already have had the G20 irons. You could already have much better and 3 wedges. Legends don't play with hybrids unless it's CTTH.

    Don't understand the idea of you having been handicapped by WGT. You're not entitled to be competitive. You have to earn it all over again at the top levels. Get your bag straightened out with what you can purchase and you'll be better right away.


  • jsweetcr
    1,209 Posts
    Sat, Dec 28 2013 7:13 PM

    What are you crying about.  I hit Legend when i was at level 68 and there were no speedbladez at 75 no nikes at 85. there was no xhot at 83 and no sldr at 89. I had to play with L59 g20s for like 15 levels before I made a decision to get any upgraded clubs.

    You are 2 levels from SLDR driver and 3 levels from R11s and if you play enough or do some research you could knock those 3 levels out in a couple weeks not one level per  2 weeks.  There is so much more choice for lower level legends then there was.  You can be competitive with The Xhot or SLDR and either bladez iron set or the Nikes. Its all part of the learning curve and growing process. Trust me the driver in your bag isn't gonna teach you all the other stuff you need to learn now that you are hitting from the parking lot and if you can learn to shot well with lower level clubs, just think what you will be able to do when you get access to the top level clubs

    Embrace the new tier and the new challenge. There is still a lot of golf to play. The R1 and 97 nike irons aren't the end all be all to this game.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Dec 28 2013 10:08 PM

    Look on it as a challenge. You may lose a few games but you learn more from losing than winning.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sat, Dec 28 2013 11:31 PM

    Wow, and I played leevl 59 G10's and level 40-ish Ping wedges through Legend....


    The old "I want it now" cry seems to come to mind.

  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Sat, Dec 28 2013 11:58 PM

    Level 87 and no decent clubs available?  I wonder how we all managed when we played as legends with the old G10 clubs.  I can't remember what level the irons were but they were certainly below the i15 and they're only L69.  Hells teeth, you even have a set of Nike irons available 2 levels below you.

    Most of the drivers I used as legend are now gone, replaced by better ones at the same levels. 

    At level 87 you have access to a wonderful selection of gear that will never need changing unless you want to keep up with Mr. and Mrs. Jones.

    Face facts, when you made legend the goal posts were moved a bit and you aren't good enough to keep scoring.  Lack of available equipment has nothing to do with it.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 12:10 AM

    Level 87 and no decent clubs available?  I wonder how we all managed when we played as legends with the old G10 clubs. 


    Not to mention the balls used were far inferior. Gees like so many facets in life nowdays, we have become a pampered and soft society. Harden up!

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 12:11 AM

    And I do have best driver money will let me buy at present time. Some courses are simply off limits because driver cant cut it unless "no wind" tourney is active.
    May I correct you? It's the most expensive driver but there are three better ones available to you, with 280+ yds shot length and high trajectory.

    What will the rest of your post be worth? Excuse me, no further comment to protect my reputation.

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 1:23 AM

    no further comment to protect my reputation.


    Too late;)

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Sun, Dec 29 2013 2:01 AM

    Please don't push me through Hell's Gate!

    (white-on-white smileys attached)