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Become Legend And Get Punished By WGT For It!

rated by 0 users
Sun, Jul 20 2014 12:38 AM (25 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 11:22 PM


    Everyone of you WGT forum shills answer the same thing,,,spend more

    I didn't say spend more money. You don't have to spend any in fact.

  • unclenewy
    334 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2014 2:32 AM

    Roll a fatty? that's your answer...lmao...what decade you live in dude? 1960-70's.....what a waste....ever heard of a vaporiser?....geeeeee

    You're calling someone a dude?? What decade do you live in?? He was just saying relax, and play the game.

    Everyone of you WGT forum shills answer the same thing,,,spend more

    These guys are not shills, some of them are trying to help you, and some of them are a little shocked at your nerve, considering the equipment available to you in comparison to what was available to us.

    Also I asked WGT the question and instead I have every so called forum expert give me their opinion of my bag,cc, and even my nice guys.

    Don't ask WGT a direct question in the forums and not expect a reply from the players. The forums are for discussions between the players (well for us all to moan mostly) and every now and then a MOD will pop in to keep us in line.

    The pro shop is set up for WGT happiness only....spend every month or so....well for the value this game provides for my money I dont see the value of that.

    You don't have to spend every month, except maybe on balls depending on how often you play. Also you can do the surveys and watch the vids to keep the credits ticking over, and try a CC with some players of your level to maybe enter a few tourneys and win a few creds that way.

    I have spent a grand total of $10 on here since I started, and that was because I had waited so long as a Legend to get to the L86 R11, that I was too impatient to do vids and surveys to collect enough credits to buy it. Up until then I had the 257 yd R9 that is no longer here.

    I made the same argument when I was forced to Legend at around L70, I even admitted to a bit of sandbagging. Not to con players out of their credits, I hasten to add, but because WGT were forcing players up tiers.....To combat sanbagging, ironically....... and I was getting caught in the net, because I had played a few low rounds and was going to be Legend way too soon. I had to play with the L59 G20's for ages............Anyway, that's getting off the point.

    The thing is, you're L87, now I don't know what level you were when you made legend, but it looks like around a month now, so lets say L85. Therefore the equipment available to you is more than sufficient in all aspects.

    A lot of these players were way below your level when they made Legend, and a lot longer ago too, so the stuff in the pro shop now was just a pipe dream, so they had to deal with it, learn to play with what they had and grind away up the levels.

    I really don't know what you expect mate.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2014 6:23 AM

    WGT forum shills

  • Madmoser
    392 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2014 7:35 AM


    WGT forum shills

    darn you mean to tell me someone planted that tree in front of my ball??  ROFLMAO

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2014 10:52 AM


    WGT forum shills

    LOL and last but not least the:

  • dachambliss
    32 Posts
    Sun, Jul 20 2014 12:38 AM

    ... couldn't have said it Better myself!!!   #2ndDayLegend   @BigBoyTees