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Sun, Jan 5 2014 10:17 AM (21 replies)
  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 5:15 AM

    Well I have almost zero business chiming in here, however, I believe the rg's are different breed of game here. Just another game that has to be learned. I could play my fav which is CCC in practice all day long and do quite well, then enter the rg under same conditions and play not so good.

    This is not another complaint post, it's just that I found I fell into a trap, play by the numbers, have this distance play this shot etc, the rg's IMHO require you to be creative in shot selection.

    I also stick with only a couple rg's, I try and learn the nuances of each and notice sometimes the putt break indicator can be different in a rg then in practice, so if i play the same rg over and over and over and after a little while i start to get a little more consistent.

    I learn try and learn where the numbers work and where they do not.

    I also notice how certain shots have not been as expected and sometimes I will play away from that situation, ie I may have gotten a bad bogie on the hole in the past, so I try and not repeat that and play for maybe  a longer putt to a different area of the green.

    I really enjoy my rg's, and look forward to playing my couple each morning, but if anyone takes anything away from this post, I believe it's important to stick with 1 or 2 rg's and play them over and over and over and eventually they will pay more consistently.

    But I'm just a Legend and not really good enough to be giving anyone any advice, but maybe this helps someone somewhere.


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 6:37 AM

    but you hit the wrong shots a good amount of the time and your chart is totally wrong. If i were to play by those numbers every game then i wouldnt expect to win. Plain and Simple dont speak for others just cause you cant hang.

    Can you actually read the part where it says "this is just a ROUGH GUIDE"

    I've been here long enough to know maybe my 165 iron full spin which I might get 161 yards on one hole I WILL NOT get the same distance on another hole.  EVERY HOLE plays differently and every hole's yardages are different.  ONLY HACKS would expect to get same results from club yardages every hole.  Same with other shots

    Oh, by the way, your the only one I think who has complained about the chrt i have on profile not being right, I've had more than enough THANK YOU's from players who use It and have improved their game.  this can link to below answer then:



    So i dont know how many credits you have but ill play you on 30 sec timer all day and win all day so when i wipe you out dry maybe you will stop playing the game which would save all of your post that are the same over and over again.

    You need to get your head out of your own a55 sometime.  We all dont worship this game and spend too much time on it, but even with the small amount I spend here I've acumulated more than enough credits thanks for asking.

    Yup the game is ran by wgt like chris claims but funny i see the same names at the top. I also had to honor to play him also and beat him twice in a row but that impossible cause nobody is that lucky as he says.

    If you had also read post, I did point out A FEW PLAYERS CAN, maybe as said above, If your head was not too much up your a55 to read post properly you might have comprehended that you MIGHT have been included in the FEW i had mentioned. Just in case you missed it first time due to the location of your head, I've highlighted It in bold, GO BACK A PAGE AND READ IT!  You might have improved as a player, and become better than the ones who used to be the best here whether by genuine means or illegally 

     But so be It.  Oh yes, you did beat me.  1st game becacause my meter was so bad due to corrupt flash i had to forfit, and yes you did beat me 2nd time, (but It was late here and i was on my way to bed before we played,  A FRESHER PLAYER IS A MEANER PLAYER, one who Is ready for bed does not care or think too hard about shots)  But did you remember me saying that I should have gone to bed rather than play?????  Probably selective memory too

    Sorry for harsh response but Its 2014 and the attacks on me are getting repetative (but amusing)  When the course's & tournaments are the same, you can always count on a "FEW" posters who never, ever seem to disappoint. CIB and his entourage, or "clingons" (and not star treck)   Those few posters are like clockwork and always crawl out of the woodwork on my posts.  Do they fancy me? Do you all want to be my bitches???  Who knows but I can assure you 100% We'll see them again soon.  LOL, 

    Keep them coming you brighten every one's dull golfing experience 

  • slillico
    393 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 7:45 AM

     But so be It.  Oh yes, you did beat me.  Once becacause my meter was so bad i had to forfit, and yes you did beat me 2nd time, (but It was late here and i was on my way to bed before we played,  A FRESHER PLAYER IS A MEANER PLAYER, one who Is ready for bed does not care or think too hard about shots)

    No offense here, but can we take a side bet on a rematch, I'm with "notonthis" all day long.

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 3:37 PM

    I've got 'Not' also even after a 4 to 5 day binge! 

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 4:04 PM


    I've got 'Not' also even after a 4 to 5 day binge



    As i mentioned earlier, i could also say i have been awake for 10 days in a row, but instead have been busy devising a prgram to land me within 1 yard of hole and easily win next match and just told who ever I'm pllaying I've been practicing  for 10 days, no one would know It was not me playing would they and that i had not been awake.  No one knows any of us from Adam.  Who knows, my 5 year old daughter might have played Notonthis first time without me realizing??  We just hope that every one Is honest genuine players, which most are.  I might be sounding strong but all I want to say is none of us really know who the other guy Is.  A nice guy here might be a serial Killer in real life who has not yet been caught, o'r me here getting ridiculed by most could be Jesus Christ,  a billionaire Stock broker, o'r a Somalian Pirate.

    Who knows If any one is on a 4 to 5 day binge.  Or can any one verify It??  EXACTLY, pointless.  And I too are just as guilty by saying i needed to be in bed rather than play notonthis last time.  I could have refused, but stick a $40 match under my nose and i cant refuse...The gambler in me just wants to play regardless If I have a chance to win or not.  But no matter who you play. We've all got a chance to win (or lose) and no matter how much players big themselves up in forums they are just as likely as anyone to play a few bad shots and lose match

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 4:51 PM



    I've got 'Not' also even after a 4 to 5 day binge



    As i mentioned earlier, i could also say i have been awake for 10 days in a row, but instead have been busy devising a prgram to land me within 1 yard of hole and easily win next match and just told who ever I'm pllaying I've been practicing  for 10 days, no one would know It was not me playing would they and that i had not been awake.  No one knows any of us from Adam.  Who knows, my 5 year old daughter might have played Notonthis first time without me realizing??  We just hope that every one Is honest genuine players, which most are.  I might be sounding strong but all I want to say is none of us really know who the other guy Is.  A nice guy here might be a serial Killer in real life who has not yet been caught, o'r me here getting ridiculed by most could be Jesus Christ,  a billionaire Stock broker, o'r a Somalian Pirate.

    Who knows If any one is on a 4 to 5 day binge.  Or can any one verify It??  EXACTLY, pointless.  

    Little paranoid there Chris.....4 to 5 day Binge was a Jab at notonthis...dont get a big head!

    96 Posts
    Fri, Jan 3 2014 5:00 PM

    Whoa!Notonthis ground CIBs head into the dirt!These catfights are the greatest.Chris,are you gonna take that?Let's get the hatred flowing,people!

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2014 6:45 AM

    Whoa!Notonthis ground CIBs head into the dirt!

    Takes a bit more than a tiny bit of dirt to get rid of me. Time to roll up sleeves and get down & dirty because I can make It very messy.

    .Chris,are you gonna take that?Let's get the hatred flowing,people

    I only respond the way I do when some one starts to have a go at me (JUST FOR THE SAKE OF IT), but I'm used to It here, water off a ducks back.  People think Its cool to jump on the CIB post bandwagon so when I reply harshly I'm just responding to how I'm being treated.  I've always treated people how they treat me.  Players are polite and respectful in their posts then I will respond same way.  Simple. You can disagree with some one's point of view without being rude, sarcastic or disrespectful but these posters are few and far between, but they do exist, THANKFULLY!

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sat, Jan 4 2014 1:37 PM


  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Sun, Jan 5 2014 9:35 AM



    WAKE UP Brandon.....LMFAO