Does anyone think that every time you progress a level, your equipment should get a upgrade even if it is a small one?
The reason i say this is because i don`t have the money at the moment to spend on the game as iv recently started up a business so i cant buy clubs. I have just today made it as a Master with my clubs i started off with which i`m all sure we agree with are terrible clubs which in my opinion is quiet a feat. I believe that we should be given a new set even if it has only a tiny improvement just to that you can deal with the harder conditions. For example now i am at master level, conditions are a lot harder yet i still have the same crappy clubs and its almost impossible to improve on my scoring. Yes i know it does not cost much to buy your own set but i also think that WGT wouldn't lose out much if they just rewarded newly promoted members with a slightly better bag of equipment. Your thoughts? Thanks