Connie here..aka..Naughtyone... I could not have said it any plainer or any better Rightin.. I grew up next to a golf course and have had a club in hand since 14..I just turned 34.
This WAS is closet thing to playing real golf I've seen online. Now it's a joke--and none are laughing. I have 450+ friends here, from all tiers and many different countries.I've yet to talk to one of them that is happy with the changes in green speeds or the leveling system.
I too was ranked a "Legend" because of a temporary low in my average. Legends are not simply 'born' out of a 12-15 round average.
They should be given that honor when their games prove them out. Tournaments won..high in ALL stats.. able to play under par any day on any money / credits won ..etc..
Everywhere I played a course, you might see a slight difference in green speeds, but nothing as dramatic as what has fell upon the masses here. Real golf ideas and conditions are what WGT should try to emulate.
.How about less wind and a little drizzle of rain that could be computer generated to pop up at times? Happens to mee at times on a real course.
I think they should be tour 'cards' for each tier. It your playing average falls below your tier, you lose you card and your equipment for that tier 'locked out' until you get your average back down. The sandbaggers would scream "FOUL". Lmao !!
The great Ben Hogan was at the top of his game when he had a car accident and was told he would never swing a golf club again. He battled back to win a major title within two years. I always admired that, and his most profound way of explaining the game.
" Golf is something we play, but never really win. You get out of golf exactly what you put into it..The results are right there--at your feet. You must put in the work--the rounds to get the results you seek."
Please Rightin---hang in there. When WGT starts seeing the ranks thin---players quitting, people stop spending on balls and clubs, they will yet again make it right with us. They HAVE TO --or risk losing 50% of their income..
Upset as many others, but I to can understand why they have separated us into different tiers for the most of it,, The problem I have is,,,Why the difference in green speeds. Makes no sense to me. It's golf,, or is it what WGT calls golf?.
I play real golf, and have yet to play on any courses that can change green speeds like WGT has done. I think they are going at this for themselve and not to be kind to us,, or any one. WGT you have a problem, You have forgot what this game golf is about,,,equal playing for all,and on the same field or course as it may be. Hey I enjoyed playing with different ranked golfers. I came up to the level I am with the help of others, and I have tried to help as many others as I can in this Virtual golf game.
To change tee boxes would have been enough I would have thought, that way we could still play against other different ranked/tier players, and on the same playing field. What has now happened, is others will not play because of the green speeds. Hey WGT, you are separating us from each other, and for me I like playing this game golf, and the joy we were having and sharing in it, by playing with all different ranks/tiers of players.
I would like to know one simple thing,,, If this game is golf why do we play on different green speeds? Real golf doesn't do that between there ranking of handi-caps, and why do we not have handi-caps that would determine the tournaments we can play in. I would think it easy with all your technology, that you could have made this all a bit more simplified for everyone. Sorry that was two questions and I said one,,,lmao
Just my thinking, but I am up in years and sometime wonder why we make things harder than they need be. You should have kept this game as golf was meant to be, with a Handi-cap system, rather than this you are trying to make us believe works and is fair for all. You are turning many of us in to unhappy players.
I came to this site when it was younger, and hoped to see great improvement, and better than those of others golf games that have failed. But I now feel you are taking us down a road of deception. Don't get me wrong, I have loved many things that have come to be for this site. But I enjoy playing this game golf with others also. That is now going away, and because it is being set up for levels and tiers that you tell us we must get use to. That is the truth for me,,, I am "Legend", I was a master, thank the Golf Gods I bought the equipment I did when I did, before you decided to change this all around on us. But still what you have done, makes no sense at all, if we are to believe this is like real golf. You are making what was good enough for us, if that,,into a Virtual catastrophe, and one many are thinking of walking away from.
You have taken away the fun for many, and some may never return, I don't make threats, I have an understanding of people in this, and also understand many will hang in with this you have created, but it is no longer the game of Golf that I have come to play, and enjoy with many others I have called my friends. KISS, Keep it simple stupid. An Old saying but I have found it to be dead on line at times.
Your tourneys could have all been controlled, and played by or rankings, as Master or Pro. This can still be done with your new Legends, and Masters of all sorts, and with Pro's also of all sorts. It is possible, and much the same as real golf has done.
I loved climbing the ranks, I to have stumbled at times when changing between tiers, Hack to Amateur, then to Pro and on to Master,,, I earned my way through all the meter glitches and down times and even the many times I was booted during some of my best games on this site. Now you have made me a Legend,,,lol for what it's worth, but to me it is worth nothing when I have to play in practice rounds to get other to play, because they can still play on slower greens. Hey the greens are a joke, lets face it. I never play on tourney greens, they are to fast for me, and I admit it, and always will. Keep the game so everyone can play the same greens as in real golf. Move your tee's where ever you like, but also let us have access to all the cluds available in your Pro shop as in real golf.
Sandbaggers are out there and will always be there, Cheating, none of us like or would like to think is a part of this game,,but is has happened. Many of us are begining to think we are being punished for there wrong doings. Change is not alway the way, but if to do so, keep us playing and sharing the same game, as golf was meant to be. Don't take what we have worked hard to earn, away with out concern for our efforts. Damm this game is not as easy as some would think, and you just crippled many of us with these changes.
Will I still play? I am leaning away from this site and what it is turning into. It is starting to become a headache for me as well as others. Sorry Guys, I don't no anymore what to think,, I guess I am lucky I can still play the real game of golf, I like to compete, I have a NCGA handi-cap, and at a 9, I still get beat by those with 16 or higher,, and I don't mind it either, as we do play on the same greens and there speeds never change between rankings/handi-caps. I wish you all luck, and I hope you get it right soon,,,,WGT it has been a joy until now.
I am just a man, human in appearance at best, but don't believe what you see on this game, on here I am an Avatar only, and I do have many disguises. Thx for reading this and I sorry for being long winded, but Golf, and this game WGT, I have enjoyed until now.