Guys & Dolls looking for a few NICE members in our little country club. We have tournaments for all levels and we have great teachers.
edgolf1 owner
I've recently left this CC for (hopefully) greener pastures, but I will tell you that I'm not sure you will find a nicer, more supportive group of players in WGT. Wish Ed, Rachel and everyone there all the best and glad to call each of you a friend.
Sign me up,Ed.I joined a CC today then the owner told me that he is just getting off the ground,I was the 3rd member,lolo.Maybe I shoulda stayed,I woulda placed well in the CC tournaments. Ken from Boston
Still looking for a few nice member to join us at Guys and Dolls.
looking for active club mine is dead lol
In respect to Megan
Just joined,thanks for the invite.Looks like a lot of TLs.I am a TM but I don't see me making legend anytime soon but I love this game.See you around,if you see me,invite me foran AS game,I love them. Ken