Chrome has a problem with flash when playing this game Comodo is also a chrome based browser and noticed after awhile that too had Back to Fox for me and at the moment that is working pretty good.
I keep on switching browsers when I first detect problems.
One thing i've noticed, which started not long ago. The meter just gliding past the ding, hard to explain, but you try and click the ding and it just glides past in slow motion (instead of going past the ding in warp speed) and of course the ball will land on the high, but about 5 yrds right...and no, I havn't been smoking the funny stuff
You don't have to hit the ding for it to be a good shot.... missing slightly either side of the ding can also be very good.... now saying that, If you try to hit ding and miss.. then you might have probs... if you try and miss ding, after compensating for it...that's ok.