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theres a problem when trying to hit the ding

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Thu, Jan 9 2014 11:03 PM (16 replies)
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  • m40red
    17 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 1:48 PM

    dont know if anyone else has noticed any problems when trying to hit the ding on the power meter but about 4-5 weeks ago i noticed the timing was different when trying to hit the ding. that was on chrome which i dont normally use to play the game. i normally use internet explorer but then shortly after noticing on chrome, the same thing was happening on internet explorer. i thought it was just me having a few bad games at first but theres deffo a problem. for me, it was just so hard to get anywhere near the ding and just pure luck if i hit it. im now using bing and could tell straight away that it felt right. just thought id mention it in case anyone was having the same problem.

  • jayw4862
    3,364 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 5:18 PM

    Personally, I never use IE for ANYTHING (I tried to uninstall and get it off of my computer but can't). And Chrome does fine with pepper flash disabled, and using the regular flash player. There's a thread somewhere on here by ScottHope, I think, explaining how to disable pepper flash in Chrome. Try Comodo, Comodo Icedragon, or Maxthon. Plus, you have to keep the flash cache clean along with everything else. I clean the flash directly, sometimes while in middle of playing, and CCleaner is great for cleaning and clearing, and it's free and simple to use.

  • fancygirl4u
    91 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 6:18 PM

    I was having problems with IE when I first started then one of my friends told me about Maxthon and so I downloaded it and started to use it. All my meter problems were not there and hitting the ding was so easy I went from Pro to Master in a couple of weeks. Then WGT started to slow me down with meter speed ups and slide by my hit. Shots going wrong direction and falling short or screaming long. Putts rolling up to 1 inch from the hole and stopping. So I came here and complained about it and that was the wrong thing to do because now every day My game is ruined. WGT has found a way to alter shots on Maxthon even if I clear my cache and cookies before I start, they still tag me when I come online. So I clear all again and it doesn't make any difference.

    I think if WGT were to open up tomorrow as a pay game with the way it is now, it would loose 90% of it's players. So will it forever be a beta game so they can justify the problem they created. Don't even tell me they don't use the VEM on people they want to cause reason to leave the game. It's there and documented in copyright files. The stupidist mistake ever made ina virtual game. Thought to try and make it more loike a real game is not possible with this type of virtual game. We don't have control when it is programmed for failure. So good luck for the future but it doesn't look to bright if you continue to ruin games on purpose and cause frustration to players you don't like.

    I have been trying to get a round with Iconian to play with the Vem on her and it hasn't been possible.  Either she isn't on when i am or WGT is blocking it so it won't be visible. I keep hoping their is a chance to get this game back to where it was fun and challenging but true to what  we know and not manipulated. I hope it will happen soon.

  • Utes1
    7 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 6:51 PM

    Thanks for the tip jayw.  I disabled pepper flash and can't believe how smooth the swing meter got.  Almost freaky!  I have played 3 holes after disabling and had no problem hitting the ding where before that it was really jerky and just guess work this evening. 

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 9:34 PM

    I'd recommend trying one of the lightweight browsers like Comodo Dragon or Maxthon 3. Most complaints on this forum come from Chrome users.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 10:55 PM

    I'd recommend trying one of the lightweight browsers like Comodo Dragon or Maxthon 3

    Now I know what Ms Fish got for Xmas - shares in Comodo Dragon (to complement her shares at Maxthon).

    But both better browsers than Chrome IMO. For the record I never had issues with IE when I used XP, Windows 7 and later not such a smooth meter when I used IE.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 11:15 PM

    Chrome has a problem with flash when playing this game  Comodo is also a chrome based browser and noticed after awhile that too had  Back to Fox for me and at the moment that is working pretty good.

    I keep on switching browsers when I first detect problems.

    One thing i've noticed, which started not long ago.   The meter just gliding past the ding, hard to explain,  but you try and click the ding and it just glides past in slow motion (instead of going past the ding in warp speed) and of course the ball will land on the high, but about 5 yrds right...and no, I havn't been smoking the funny stuff

    You don't have to hit the ding for it to be a good shot....  missing slightly either side of the ding can also be very good.... now saying that,  If you try to hit ding and miss.. then you might have probs...  if you try and miss ding, after compensating for it...that's ok.



  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Wed, Jan 8 2014 11:16 PM

    For playing in game Firefox is excellent, Unfortunatly there has display problems on others pages of WGT including connexion box which it's not possible since some weeks.(forced to connect by facebook)

    May be an update of FF or Adobe flash, dont notice.

  • billcliff
    2,616 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 12:59 AM

    I played a shot yesterday 86yds to pin 1yd up 10mph head wind i hit it 90yds and it went 57 how is this possible

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jan 9 2014 1:25 AM

    i hit it 90yds and it went 57 how is this possible

    It  isn't  - the laws of physics are if you hit it 90 yards, thats how far it went.

    If you mean you intended to hit it 90 yards but only hit it 57 yards, I would thing you probably used the scroll button on the mouse or   accidentally  changed to a lower club (yes we all have done that, especially if I am tired - then my routine can go out the window and can be quite entertaining lol). 

    The only other scenario is you choked way down on the shot, but I know at your level. experience and clubs it will not be the case.


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