After playing around with my handicap calculator, I've decided to make changes. I simply hate complicated when I'm doing mundane tasks! Here's what I'm working on:
I'm revising the CC Members Spreadsheet to only include these columns:
- Profile Name and Hyperlink to member's profile page
- Member's current handicap index
- Handicap revision date.
Now, when you load the handicap calculator, the screen above will be shown. The revision date will prefill with the last revision date used. If this is the first time you've ran this, you will get the date 1 Jan 2014 (based on the person's default date format ... for me, it will show 01/01/2014.
If a player does not have a handicap for this date, their profile name will be stored in the Member combobox. If you change the handicap date to, say, 1 Feb 2014, all members that do not have the revision date 1 Feb 2014 will get loaded into the Member Name combobox field.
When you select a member's profile name and click "Load Profile", the player's profile page will be loaded. After you manually load the player's "scoring history" and copy it to the clipboard, you'll click on the "Load Scores" button.
Once you've clicked this button, the scoring history will get stored in the "Temp Clipboard" spreadsheet, then all of the player's Front 9, Back 9 and Full 18 scores will get loaded into the Scoring History Listbox. Below this listbox will be the calculation method that will be used. Once you've selected or change one of these options, the default setting will change as well (so the next time you run the handicap calculator, you won't have to set this).
If you select "Best 10 of 20 - no exclusions", you don't have to select any of the scores in the scoring history. Only the last 20 scores will be used to determine the player's handicap, and from those 20 scores, only the best 10 of those 20 scores will be used.
If you select "Best 10 of 20 - with exclusions", the scores you select in the scoring history listbox will be excluded from the last 20 scores. Again, only the best 10 from the first 20 non-selected scores will be used to determine the player's handicap.
If you select "Selected Rounds only", only the rounds you select from the player's scoring history will be used. You must select a minimum of 5 scores if this option is selected.
Below the calculation method is a field used to store the number of decimal places you can round the calculated handicap to. The default will be 1, but you can change this to any number between 0 and 3. If you change it, that value will get stored and will become the prefilled default from that point on. Just Stay consistent. Don't store some handicaps with 0 decimals, some with 1, some with 2, etc. Pick a number and stick with it.
There is also a "Final Revision" option, where you can adjust the calculated handicap. If you select "Add" and enter a number, the number entered will be added to the calculated handicap. If you select "Subtract", the number entered will be subtracted from the calculated handicap. If you select "Multiply", the number entered will be multiplied by the calculated handicap to determine the revised handicap; and if you select "divide", the calculated handicap will be divided by the number entered to provide the revised handicap. Please note, if you select divide and do not supply a number, the calculated handicap will remain untouched (divided by 1).
When you click the "Calculate" button, it will make sure you've done the following:
- Entered a valid revision date
- Selected a member
- loaded the member's scoring history
- if "selected rounds only" have been selected, will make sure you've selected at least 5 rounds.
- entered a valid number of decimal places, from 0 to 3.
- Selected a final revision and entered a revision adjustment number.
If all of these items check out, the handicap for the member will be calculated and next to the "calculate" button, the member's profile name along with their revised handicap will be displayed. Also, the "Post Handicap" button will be enabled.
When you click the "Post Handicap" button, the selected member's handicap will be posted to the CC Member's spreadsheet along with the revision date. Afterward, the handicap calculator will reload, showing the revision date last entered; load all the members whose handicap have not been calculated in the Member combobox, clear the scores in the listbox, set the default handicap calculation method and number of decimals, then disable the "Calculate" and "Post Handicap" buttons. You're now ready to calculate the next member's handicap.
I feel this will make the handicap calculations as easy as possible. While it would be nice to avoid manually copying the member's scoring history, I don't have full access to the scoring history database; so this is the easiest possible solution IMO. It should be easy enough and should provide enough options for everyone wishing to run "net score" tournaments.
It is possible that I'll revise this a bit. I think I've got all the pieces in place. If you think I've left something out, please let me know.
Kat ♥